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This is a question Where is the strangest place you have slept?

'lardaholics anonymous' was bored and started a new question over in the old question, so the least we can do is make it official. What with New Year's celebrations coming up, asking for the strangest place you have slept is nicely appropriate too.

In case you are wondering, Portsmouth beach in the fog. Very strange waking up to that.

(, Fri 29 Dec 2006, 8:57)
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Never EVER go......
Drinking out in Edgware. Got slaughtered with work colleagues. Ended up at someones house, someone gets a bit arsey with me, I get arsey back, they swing and catch me a beaut on the jaw. I get bundled outside, handed my half bottle of vodka and get told to go and get bent. Which I promptly was, what with being somewhere in North west London (I lived in Stoke Newington at the time, which aint that near for all you non Londonites), drunk as a skunk with no idea where I was, how to get home and a mere pound for currency.

Which is how I then find myself sleeping under some bushes until 2 tramps woke me up with their fighting. I don't remember moving but I must have done cos next thing it's the morning, and I'm in someones garden on their sun lounger cradling my vodka with two children staring out of their window.

So if you were one of the kids who was staring out of that window.....what you doin on B3ta? I know where you live....
(, Sat 30 Dec 2006, 9:58, Reply)

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