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Home » Question of the Week » Where is the strangest place you have slept? » Post 68723 | Search
This is a question Where is the strangest place you have slept?

'lardaholics anonymous' was bored and started a new question over in the old question, so the least we can do is make it official. What with New Year's celebrations coming up, asking for the strangest place you have slept is nicely appropriate too.

In case you are wondering, Portsmouth beach in the fog. Very strange waking up to that.

(, Fri 29 Dec 2006, 8:57)
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During my 5th, 6th and repeat Leaving Cert. school years I stayed up watching T.V. or working till 4 in the morning. With the inevitable result of me falling asleep in various classes.

1. Some classes were good for a snooze most notably Accountancy, as I slept through about 2 and a half years of classes and still managed to pass the subject!
2. All the classes with new female teachers I had, I managed to bluff my way out of trouble by being so blunt about being asleep they could only laugh (Fell off a stool backward in the Biology lab, Tipped my chair backward in Maths, fell asleep and toppled over.)

I managed to get B's, C's and a D in the seven subjects I took despite suffering severe narcolepsy. \0/
(, Sun 31 Dec 2006, 1:19, Reply)

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