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Home » Question of the Week » Where is the strangest place you have slept? » Post 68925 | Search
This is a question Where is the strangest place you have slept?

'lardaholics anonymous' was bored and started a new question over in the old question, so the least we can do is make it official. What with New Year's celebrations coming up, asking for the strangest place you have slept is nicely appropriate too.

In case you are wondering, Portsmouth beach in the fog. Very strange waking up to that.

(, Fri 29 Dec 2006, 8:57)
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Not me but my friends...
One was at a summer party a couple of years ago. Having found that she had no cash on her for a cab, she elected to stay in her flatemate's bedroom.
Which, incidentally was nicknamed the 'shag room' in that house.

Turns out that after 'Mad', as I shall refer to her as, had drowsed off into that half-asleep brain death experienced when drunk and stuffed on noodles, her best mate and her boytoy strutted right in, stepped over her and commenced making the beast with two backs. Noisily.

Apparently she very nearly chucked up right on them - as they came to climax. Eek.

A more worrying tale is about another friend who being a wee nipper somehow ended up snoring on...his roof. Nice warm tarry shingles eh?

He claims he must have sleptwalked it. I suspect sadistic elder brother intervention...
(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 11:46, Reply)

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