Pooster says: "When we were younger my little brother had a tantrum which ended when he threw a fork and it stuck in my other brother's cheek for a bit." Tell us your tales of screaming kids, and adults acting like children.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 12:48)
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You forget...
...that you posted the same thing dozens of times after being told more than once to stop spamming the board. :/
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 16:05,
6 replies)
maybe if you stopped fucking kids for a second you'd have seen that was the most interesting thing to ahppen to QOTW in years
Quintno EXPERIMENT RUINED CANCELLED, LEFT 4EVER, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 16:07,
Is this some kind of strange brinkmanship contest this week?
Ken Oath, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 16:22,
Given that I was late to last week's party,
can you tell me why this led to the question being withdrawn? We're you on the verge of suspending everyone's accounts?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 16:27,
Oh come on.
The shed puns were a damn sight funner than any amount of 'yeah my dad had a green house' stories that would have emerged.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 16:42,
it wasn't the same thing. they were all different.
terrible bullying by a mod. I'm gazzing rob.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 16:55,
are you still here?
What a pity
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Fri 20 Jul 2012, 12:05,
i'm glad that you took time off from your impotent internet rage to make this important observation.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 20 Jul 2012, 13:34,
No time out was required.
Keep chewing the crayons Janet
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Fri 20 Jul 2012, 14:08,
Oh Janet, stop upsetting Andy.
Irreverent humour on a website based around irreverent humour is just Not On.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Sun 22 Jul 2012, 13:01,
Terrible bullying of 'janet' whoever the fuck that is.
mark morrisons prison shoes I love Willie, Thu 19 Jul 2012, 17:04,
I'm throwing in with the "They were all different" brigade
Peej, Fri 20 Jul 2012, 9:59,
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