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This is a question Terrible food

Back when I was a student, we had a "clear out the fridge" party. Everyone brought what they had left and the idea was to make a big meal out of it.

The stew/casserole/whatever was going surprisingly well until someone added the tin of mackerel in tomato sauce they'd been hoarding all year.

What's the worst thing you've ever cooked or eaten? Who's the worst cook you've encountered?

[and yes, we've asked this before, but way, way back before we had the fancy QOTW pages]

(, Thu 17 May 2007, 10:23)
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The first time my wife tried cooking shrimp in a white wine sauce. Unforgetable.
"you have to cook it long enough to burn the alcohol off"
except she didn't. the taste of that, combined with garlic and thick double cream stayed with me for a looong time. Everytime I smell a wine and sea food combo I get the delicious mouth watering sensation that precedes a major vom session.

Also, I've often wondered what it is about bread that my dad find so difficult to deal with? He once made some sandwiches for work and promptly forgot his lunchbox, for the next three months. I swear when I finally tracked down the foul odour and threw them in the bin they'd turned green and had the texture of crushed velvet. He does it all the time, buys a loaf only to leave it in the cupboard/bread bin to sweat and mould until it becomes sentient. One morning I woke up to find one of Braces' medium sliced finest had climbed out of of the cupboard and thrown itself away in disgust*

*slight exageration
(, Thu 17 May 2007, 22:45, Reply)

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