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This is a question Terrible food

Back when I was a student, we had a "clear out the fridge" party. Everyone brought what they had left and the idea was to make a big meal out of it.

The stew/casserole/whatever was going surprisingly well until someone added the tin of mackerel in tomato sauce they'd been hoarding all year.

What's the worst thing you've ever cooked or eaten? Who's the worst cook you've encountered?

[and yes, we've asked this before, but way, way back before we had the fancy QOTW pages]

(, Thu 17 May 2007, 10:23)
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On exercise with Royal Signals, myself and a couple of the others in my section took to eating every meal as sandwiches. This was for a number of reasons, first if we were busy, we could still get in the mess tent and take something out, second, it saved on washing mess tins. It wasn't unusal to have, bacon, egg and baked bean sandwiches or steak and kidney pudding sandwiches.

On one occasion, the 'chef' (one of Andy Capp's Commandos or the fortunately defunct Army Catering Corps) was making do with what was left after an exhausting communications exercise. The meal consisted of every tin of food that was best eaten cold, opened and put onto trays.

As was our tradition, we grabbed whatever we could and put it between two slices of bread.

Some of the results were better than others.

Pilchard and cheese processed - nice
Strawberry jam and fruit cake - nice
Cheese posessed and fruit cake - ok, sort of.

The worst was one made when almost all the food had run out, I just grabbed whatever I could get hold of, in this case pilchards and marmalade. Yummy, a taste explosion.
(, Fri 18 May 2007, 12:48, Reply)

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