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This is a question Terrible Parenting

My parents used to lock my brother, sister and I in the car while they went to the pub for a "quick one" after work. This quick one might last several hours, during which they would send bottles of Indian Tonic Water to us by way of refreshment.

On one particularly cold evening, bored stupid, we lit a small bonfire on the back seat of the car using the cigarette lighter and the contents of the glove box. We owe our lives to passing winos. (BTW: Please no more Maddie or Jesus gags, they've been done.)

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 9:47)
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I was sat home one night supping a can of beer and playing Fable on Xbox, when my mother, pissed and stoned, wanders into the house and states 'It's very dark I'll light some candles' so off she pops to the kitchen, and brings forth every bloody candle she had and laid them on a 2ft square coffee table and proceeded to light them all. Then in her inebriated state she plods off back into the night (only god knows where she went) leaving the front door wide open. Me being a bit of gamer was pretty much unaware of what was happening, that is until I catch a faint whiff of something burning.....

I look to my right and yes the whole bloody table and half the wall are on fire.

'ARRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!' Screams I before jumping into action and grabbing every available towel, soaking them in water and battering the flames, successfully putting the fire out.

A few hours later mother stumbles back in, where i start to shout obscenities, with sentences in between, at her and the woman had the cheek to start screaming back about how i ruined her TOWELS!!!!!!!!
(, Sat 18 Aug 2007, 7:20, Reply)

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