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This is a question Terrible Parenting

My parents used to lock my brother, sister and I in the car while they went to the pub for a "quick one" after work. This quick one might last several hours, during which they would send bottles of Indian Tonic Water to us by way of refreshment.

On one particularly cold evening, bored stupid, we lit a small bonfire on the back seat of the car using the cigarette lighter and the contents of the glove box. We owe our lives to passing winos. (BTW: Please no more Maddie or Jesus gags, they've been done.)

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 9:47)
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Bad Parent
My Father did not like me as a Teenager.

Looking back at my teenage years i can see why!!

I was a Horrible teenager, (Which probably explains the fact that i have never had children although i do have a stepson).

I was Dirty,Untidy,Rude,Rode a Motorbike and thought I was it, Oh and a teenage drink Problem !!!!(Thanks to the Scouts But that is another story )

One night I was going out on my motorbike and as per usual he had a message for me............"Take your f.....g Bike up the Motorway and kill yourself !!!!!!!!!".

At that Point I snapped, Dragged him out of his chair, Pinned him up against the wall and told him his fortune !!!!!!!

My Mother, as far as I can remember, did not do or say anything !!!!!!!!

Back to my Father, When my sister was born I was sent to live with His Mum , My Nan, While my mother went through a Homebirth!!!!!

She gave me a severe bout of Food poisoning from using rancid Butter !!!

I was more upset when i lost My Cat to a Vets negligence than when my Father died !!!!!
(, Sat 18 Aug 2007, 14:03, Reply)

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