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This is a question Sticking it to The Man

From little victories over your bank manager to epic wins over the law - tell us how you've put one over authority. Right on, kids!

Suggestion from Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic

(, Thu 17 Jun 2010, 16:01)
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Tax doesn't have to be taxing
Yes it does, and it is.

A few years back when I was self employed, I had to fill in a self assessment form every year and would then be contacted to let me know how much tax I owed. This wasn’t much of an issue, until I started my new job with a local company.

I contacted the tax office and let them know that I was no longer self employed and they told me to ignore the self assessment form that they had already sent me. A few months down the line, I received a letter stating that I owed £100 for not returning my self assessment form in time. A couple of phone calls later, I had resolved the problem, and I asked them to update their records, which they assured me they had.
The following year, I received yet another form followed by another £100 fine a few months later. Once again, I phoned up and explained the situation but it wasn’t so straightforward – they wanted to know further information; why I was no longer self-employed, since when, etc. A letter arrived days later. Angry and frustrated, I penned the following:

Dear Mr. Tax Person,

I am sat writing this letter with tears of frustration trickling slowly down each cheek. A Question of Sport is on in the background and Sue Barker looks quite nice, but I digress.
Two years ago, I informed you that I was no longer self employed and I received a credit for £100 after wrongly being charged for not returning my self assessment form by the deadline. I was told that your records had been updated. Why then, have I received another charge this year, even though I am no longer self employed, and have been paying tax on a monthly basis? (please see enclosed proof)

To answer the questions posed in your letter to me (a copy also enclosed)

1.I ceased trading in March 2004
2.I know that this date is correct because it was the month my cat died. Thanks for bringing back the bad memories. I miss Goliath a great deal, he was fantastic. My self assessment form for the period prior to this clearly states that I had ceased trading in March on the 'Other notes' section.
3.No, I haven’t had any work that would qualify under the self employed bracket since I started my new job. The reason why I started my new job was because I didn’t have any work in the first place. Yesterday, I found 20p in the street. Do I have to declare this?

I would appreciate it if you could update your records as soon as possible, as I am slowly going mental. The tune that plays when I’m on hold to your colleagues is nauseating and on more than one occasion I’ve thought about opening a vein.

Please can I receive another credit against the £100 incorrectly charged?


PS –Remember to update your records
PPS – Check that the point in 'PS' has been actioned

A few weeks letter, the credit arrived. Although I didn’t gain anything monetary wise, it made me happy. It’s always good to get things off your chest.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2010, 12:32, 5 replies)
and sorry to hear about Goliath :(
(, Fri 18 Jun 2010, 12:36, closed)
I'm in the exact same situation right now, except this has been going on for 7 years.

They "update their records" but each year, without fail, I get another demand for £100. I've written letters, pleaded on the phone, and all to no avail. I've even had them call me up at my employers threatening legal action (even though I now have a letter from them confirming my status).

They're complete fucktards.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2010, 13:09, closed)
had exactly the same for three years after I ceased trading.
One *very* shirty call that year seemed to do the trick.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2010, 13:13, closed)
I feel your pain
HMRC owe me £160 in mileage relief following my submission of a P87 form, however despite me sending in copies of expenses forms, P60s, tax coding notifications and detailed summaries of my tax paid for the year, they still insist I owe them tax.

The reason for this is that the call centre monkey using using an incorrect tax code for the basis of their calculations and is too lazy to double check their records. My file at HMRC has twenty odd amendments attesting to this, but they still seem incapable of understanding how a tax code works.

(, Fri 18 Jun 2010, 13:15, closed)
I am yet another person in this situation
...for the last 3 years. They are a bunch of fuckwits who couldn't find their arse with a map. It gets me riled up just thinking about it.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2010, 15:08, closed)

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