Sticking it to The Man
From little victories over your bank manager to epic wins over the law - tell us how you've put one over authority. Right on, kids!
Suggestion from Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 17 Jun 2010, 16:01)
SIERRA point to all these motor puns?
Seems like you're all CORTINA trap. DATSUN other one!
The Oscillating Gibbon is eating curried squid, Wed 23 Jun 2010, 14:29,
1 reply)
/\ /\ /\
The Pollitt chooses to listen to Enya on, Wed 23 Jun 2010, 14:50,
Fer CHRYSLER sake...
... will you all truck off?!
sarcastic fringehead feet of clay, buns of steel, head of lettuce, Wed 23 Jun 2010, 20:42,
Calm down now, just take it NISS-AN easy...
...barrel: scraped.
The Pollitt chooses to listen to Enya on, Thu 24 Jun 2010, 10:03,