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This is a question Conspiracy theory nutters

I keep getting collared by a bloke who says that the war in Afghanistan is a cover for our Illuminati Freemason Shapeshifting Lizard masters to corner the market in mind-bending drugs. "It's true," he says, "I heard it on TalkSport". Tell us your stories of encounters with tinfoil hatters.

Thanks to Davros' Granddad

(, Thu 27 Aug 2009, 13:52)
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The World Trade Centre's collapse was down to the US government because the towers fell straight down, which is of course impossible unless they'd been cleverly engineered to do so because, like, they're slap bang in the middle of a heavily built up area and it would be foolish to apply the Jenga principle when constructing two incredibly tall buildings in the middle of a city containing several million people?

That's sounds plausible, apart from the two great big fucking aeroplanes that ended up sticking out of each building like a pair of flaming darts.
(, Thu 3 Sep 2009, 10:26, Reply)

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