What's your most treasured possession? What would you rescue from a fire (be it for sentimental or purely financial reasons)?
My Great-Uncle left me his visitors book which along with boring people like the Queen and Harold Wilson has Spike Milligan's signature in it. It's all loopy.
Either that or my Grandfather's swords.
( , Thu 8 May 2008, 12:38)
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my chilled wine.
And the reclaimed scaffold boards I'm about to stick in the garden for a raised vegetable bed.
I'm so chuffing middle classed!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:09, 39 replies)

But that would be slightly unhinged.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:12, closed)

pour me a glass, there's a love. Sunshiney gloriousness here - and not a drop of booze in the house!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:14, closed)

*Hands over HappyLittleTulip's cake - she's giving some to PenguinofDeath in another thread, so here, have some.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:15, closed)

Always gives me an overwhelming desire to be outside 'doing something' and drinking large amounts of alcohol.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:16, closed)

Thanks - you're a lifesaver. My garden's looking rather spiffy at the mo - grass is like a bowling green (well if a bowling green has rabbit shit all over it). But it's nice and green. And weed free (at the moment)
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:18, closed)

Well, you did eat all the cake in the other thread didn't you?
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:22, closed)

you could have just asked - I share (well sometimes).
*ties knot in long straw*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:23, closed)

Ha! Caught you out! It's a box of wine! But here, have this anyway...
*pours wine through straw*
My, that's a long one!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:24, closed)

Diggin' time.
Off to the garden with my boards, wine and a spade.
See you lovely folks soon.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:34, closed)

*sniggers at long one*
There's a box of red wine on the coffee table :o)
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:34, closed)

Hopefully, we'll be more
* realises there's a knot in the straw *
* reverses straw so I can drink wine out of the end with the newly-poured wine *
EDIT: @Tourette's: Are you trying to make me blush?
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:36, closed)

it's always wine o'clock somewhere in the world ....
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:36, closed)

But I'm fine in this one, so...
*produces bendy straw, guzzles wine*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:46, closed)

They're all perfectly... safe.
*jangles keys*
Pink fizz, anyone?
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:52, closed)

don't mind if I do. Sitting in the garden, enjoying the sunshine, and laughing at the guy three gardens along who has the world's last surviving push-mower.
Ah, bless laptops and wireless interweb!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:55, closed)

I wish I was outside too, laughing at your lawnmowing neighbours.
i wonder how chickenlady is faring against the ants?
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 18:57, closed)

and despite many years of chemical warfare (I taught Saddam all he knew) they just keep coming back.
I'll laugh at the neighbour on your behalf, okay? I'll laugh even harder now, 'cos he's just taken his top off and has a bigger belly than I did at nine months' pregnant! Yuck, yuck, yuck.
*covers hlt's eyes*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:01, closed)

well, I did try to protect you. If you're struck by a sudden vomiting attack, it's all you own fault. Try to aim away from the rabbit hutch, though. Fat little sod will eat anything.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:07, closed)

Ooh, what a nice garden you have! Did you grow it yourself?
Oh my goodness, what an extraordinarily large belly your semi-naked lawnmowing neighbour has!
*vomits over fence*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:10, closed)

yes, all my own work. Grass, a few flowers, and I'm happy. I'm no Charlie Dimmock (I own several bra's for starters) but I do like pretty flowers.
I did warn you about the neighbour. Was it the grey chest hair that did it?
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:15, closed)

And yes it was the grey chest hair that did it.
Still, it's nice to have pink fizz to take the taste away.
*tops up WW's glass*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:27, closed)

*swigs pink fizz*
*tries to check kid's homework with slightly squiffy eyes*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:28, closed)

*picks up happylittletulip*
*falls over again*
*phones long-suffering husband to come to rescue*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:43, closed)

*staggers about with WW, giggling like a loon*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 19:53, closed)

Your my besssht matesh you's are. Ah fuggin loves ya's aaaal.
*falls over but doesn't spill a drop*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 20:24, closed)

How long ago did I go for moy woyne?
Got so carried away with the grape joosh I forgetted to come back......tthhhhpppp!
*tries to spell a fart onomatopaecly*
cannot spell that...
*awaits flaming from the caped Lady of Chickens*
*giggles becoz iz on thrid glas off whineee*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 20:44, closed)

I was indeedy tring to mak you blish....
Hop i suck seeded ;o) xxx
*collapses intoo rilly childisg spazmy rood jiggles*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 20:46, closed)

I have had to drink fictional b3tawine.
It's 37 miles to home, and I'm driving.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 20:47, closed)

tourettes said "suck"
Wish I was drunk. Had shit boring training course today.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 20:49, closed)

Here al, have a SUCK of my wine!
You'll need a LONG stwaw to REACH ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM ;O)
*skweels lik a pikg*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 20:56, closed)

as in HOLE...!!!
*snik fnaar gnuff*
*passes al a glass of wine*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 21:01, closed)

I'm not doing boreholes until Monday. But when I do, I do them quick, except the really long ones, which can take days. But I have a couple of guys to do them for me.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 21:06, closed)

and a dead thread wakes up again.
*grabs glass of fizzy plonk and joins in*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 21:06, closed)

I missed out on the virtual b3ta piss up!
And I started it!
I ended up doing no gardening at all :(
Had to drive to the supermarket to fetch milk for evil twins' breakfasts.
*Considers wine box in fridge*
*Looks at pint of tap water currently on the go*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 21:13, closed)

the garden will still be there tomorrow. Kids without breakfast - mine would whine for hours about that!
*raises glass*
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 21:17, closed)

Very true...they can put up with many things but they won't go without food. Sadly.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 21:24, closed)
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