I'm ashamed to admit it, but I fell for the "Bob Holness played the saxophone on Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street" story some years back. It just seemed so right. I still want it to be true.
What have you fallen for, or even better, what legends have you started?
( , Thu 5 Jan 2006, 16:02)
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Of beeebadbabadibo fame died in a car crash where his brain came out of his head.
Kenan out of Kenan and Kel also died in a car crash.
In school i didnt know whether to laugh or cry.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 19:42, Reply)

that he and his brother gave someone such a serious kicking that when the police arrived they thought the guy was dead and drew a chalk outline around him.
He still believes this despite me and the rest of his mates ridiculing him for this. They don't even do chalk outlines in britain do they?
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 17:59, Reply)

........that Marilyn Manson played the part of the best mate of the kid in The Wonder Years
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 17:34, Reply)

My mate John told me that Fred and Rose west were once contestants on 321....
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 17:32, Reply)

It really is true - this works perfectly.
My father was at Architectural College with DG and through him I met NM, I asked him if the umour was a true one. He winked, so can't confirm if it was intentional.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 16:40, Reply)

it's so reliable...
Better, in fact, than the BBC for learning news.
Or so I've heard.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 16:40, Reply)

apparently that stories true, not sure what area it was in but there was a bloke that broke into womens houses when he knew they'd be alone.was in cosmo magazine!
and we all know that everything in Cosmo is true...right?
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 16:23, Reply)

Surely sleeping with the light on would have just made it easier for The Starer to watch your mate as he slept...
Just saying, like.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 16:20, Reply)

that George W. Bush won the election in 2000.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 15:52, Reply)

Heres another ledgend about the great child devouring clown restaurant, McDonalds.
If the "milk shakes" had one more e number in them they would technically be classed as plastic.
Much wooage for my first post. woo.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 15:49, Reply)

A few years ago there was talk in these parts of "The Forest Hill Starer", a man who would break into people's houses at night, and then just watch people sleep. My friend had to sleep with the light on for about a month after hearing that one.
Also now doing the rounds is the one about the squirrels of Brixton being off their tits on crack after digging up stashes that local dealers have hidden in people's front gardens, or nibbling on discarded crack pipes. So if a squirrel starts staring you out, run. It might mug you to get its next hit.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 15:41, Reply)

And not mine. Shamlessly stolen. After you've read it, guess what I'll be doing tonight?
Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of The Moon" As The Soundtrack To "The Wizard Of Oz."(97082607.DOC)
By HELEN KENNEDY Daily News Staff Writer
Call it Dark Side of the Rainbow. Classic rockers are buzzing about the amazingly weird connections that leap off the screen when you play Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" as the soundtrack to "The Wizard of Oz."
It sounds wacky, but there really is a bizarre synchronization there. The lyrics and music join in cosmic synch with the action, forming dozens upon dozens of startling coincidences---the kind that make you go "Oh wow, man" even if you haven't been near a bong in 20 years.
Consider these examples: Floyd sings "the lunatic is on the grass" just as the Scarecrow begins his floppy jig near a green lawn. The line "got to keep the loonies on the path" comes just before Dorothy and the Scarecrow start traipsing down the Yellow Brick Road.
When deejay George Taylor Morris at WZLX-FM in Boston first mentioned the phenom on the air six weeks ago, he touched off a frenzy.
"The phones just blew off the wall. It started on a Friday, and that first weekend you couldn't get a copy of 'TheWizard of Oz' anywhere in Boston," he said. "People were staying home to check it out."
It's fun, he said, because everyone knows the movie, and the album---which spent a record-busting 591 straight weeks on the Billboard charts---can be found in practically every record collection.
Dave Herman at WNEW-FM in New York mentioned the buzz a few weeks ago. The response---more than 2,000 letters ---was the biggest ever in the deejay's 25-year on-air career.
"It has been just unbelievable," said WNEW program director Mark Chernoff. "I've never seen anything like this. "
The station plans to show the movie using the album as soundtrack at a small private screening tomorrow.
Rock fans always have loved to speculate about hidden messages in their favorite albums. But seeking connections between the beloved 1939 classic kid flick and the legendary 1973 acid-rock album pushes the envelope of the music conspiracy genre. Nobody from the publicity-shy band would comment, but Morris asked keyboardist Richard Wright about it on the air last month. He looked flummoxed and said he'd never heard of any intentional connections between the movie and the album.
But the fans aren't convinced it's just a cosmic coincidence.
"I'm a musician myself and I know how hard it is just to write music, let alone music choreographed to action," said drummer Alex Harm, of Lowell, Mass.,who put up one of the two Internet web pages devoted to the synchroneities. "To make it match up so well, you'd have to plan it."
Morris is convinced that ex-frontman Roger Waters planned the whole thing without letting his fellow band members in on the secret.
"It's too close. It's just too close. Look at the song titles. Look at the cover. There's something going on there," Morris said.
Here's how it works. You start the album at the exact moment when the MGM lion finishes its third and last roar. It might take a few times to get everything lined up just right.
Then, just sit back and watch. It'll blow your mind, man.
During "Breathe," Dorothy teeters along a fence to the lyric: "balanced on the biggest wave."
The Wicked Witch, in human form, first appears on her bike at the same moment a burst of alarm bells sounds on the album.
During "Time," Dorothy breaks into a trot to the line: "no one told you when to run."
When Dorothy leaves the fortuneteller to go back to her farm, the album is playing: "home, home again."
Glinda, the cloyingly saccharine Good Witch of the North, appears in her bubble just as the band sings: "Don't give me that do goody goody bull---t."
A few minutes later, the Good Witch confronts the Wicked Witch as the band sings, "And who knows which is which" (or is that "witch is witch"?).
The song "Brain Damage" starts about the same time as the Scarecrow launches into "If I Only Had a Brain."
But it's not just the weird lyrical coincidences. Songs end when scenes switch, and even the Munchkins' dancing is perfectly choreographed to the song "Us and Them."
The phenomenon is at its most startling during the tornado scene, when the wordless singing in "The Great Gig in the Sky" swells and recedes in strikingly perfect time with the movie.
When Dorothy opens the door into Oz, the movie switches to rich color and---and that exact moment---the album starts in with the tinkling cash register sound effects from "Money."
Anyone who has ever nursed a hangover watching MTV with the sound off and the radio on can tell you how quick the brain is to turn music into a soundtrack for pictures. But this is uncanny.
The real fanatics will point out that side one of the vinyl album is the exact length of the black-and-white portion of the movie. And then there's that iconic album cover, with its prism and rainbow echoing the movie's famous black-and-white-into-color switch--- not to mention Judy Garland's classic first song.
The real clincher, though, the moment where even the most skeptical of cynics has to utter a small "whoa!," comes at the end of the album, which tails off with the insistent sound of a beating heart.
What's happening on screen? Yep, you guessed it: Dorothy's got her ear to the Tin Man's chest, listening for a heartbeat.
Maybe it's just a string of coincidences. Maybe the mind is just playing some really cool tricks. Maybe some people just have waaaay too much time on their hands.
Or maybe, as Pink Floyd sings to close out the album, everything under the sun really is in tune.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 15:10, Reply)

I heard about them over this side of the chanel, but refered to as en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Headhunters
Commonly refered to in these parts (Ireland) as a en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_smile
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 15:06, Reply)

Indeed, the "Brain pencillation" story was doing the rounds at my school during my GCSEs.
"Oh my god, did you hear what this boy did at 'insert name of local school' because of his exam pressure..."
Thinking back to school days in the 80's, people in South East London must remember the Chelsea Smilers. There was talk of a blue transit van full of mental Chelsea fans who used to jump out and ask you what your favourite football team was. If you didn't say Chelsea, they would slash either side of your mouth with a razor blade and then punch you in the stomach, so that when you screamed, your mouth would split from ear to ear, hence the "smile". Resourceful as us South London kids are, I remember the hard lads at school getting the blade from a pencil sharpener and sellotaping it to the end of their rulers so that they were tooled up for the bus ride home. Genius.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 14:45, Reply)

Apparently, when the Guildhall at Windsor (recently of Charles and Camilia and Elton John and wife fame) became Christopher Wren's job, the commisioners didn't believe that the pillars would support the ceiling.
In order to prove a point (and no doubt to piss them off) Wren added 4 pillars in the middle but made them an inch shy of the ceiling.
Hah! Guess he showed them. It's still standing 350 years later.
Wren's my hero.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 14:36, Reply)
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