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Home » Question of the Week » Vandalism » Post 906318 | Search
This is a question Vandalism

I got a load of chalk, felt-tip markers and paint from friends one Christmas in a thinly-veiled attempt to get me involved with their plan to vandalise the toilets at the local park. My downfall: Signing my name. Tell us your stories of anti-social behaviour.

Thanks to Bamboo Steamer for the suggestion

(, Thu 7 Oct 2010, 12:10)
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Fuck, that's nothing.
I came back from the toilets once and drained my Guinness - to the amusement of all watching, who informed me between gasping laughs that my delicious beverage had been subject to a real dick, not your foamy impersonation.
(, Mon 11 Oct 2010, 18:25, 2 replies)
I actually refreshed my member one time in a mate's drink*...
Of all the people in the bar - who had to tell him?

My other half...

*In my defence, he WAS drinking kangaroo piss (aka Fosters)
(, Mon 11 Oct 2010, 21:56, closed)
The faint taste of smeg
would improve Fosters.
(, Mon 11 Oct 2010, 22:30, closed)
Well, I'm sure you're an upstanding member of society
whereas this guy was a proper specimen. Brought up as 100% teuchter,, he was so homophobic he dumped his girlfriend when she snogged another girl for his edification.
(, Tue 12 Oct 2010, 8:40, closed)

I read somewhere that Marco Pierre White, having tried to chat up one of his dining clients and getting rebuffed at every turn, gave his membre virilis a rinse in her champagne, while saying "that's the closest I'm going to get with her tonight."

You have to applaud the man's perspicacity.

ObLength: I wasn't there. Can't really comment.
(, Mon 11 Oct 2010, 23:01, closed)

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