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This is a question Winging It

Don Spang says: I once found myself winging it in a job interview and somewhat exaggerated my technical experience in the field of mainframe computer operations. 24 years later, I'm still there. Ever had to improvise to get by? Tell us you tales of MacGyver-type genius.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:31)
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It's definitely dead this time, isn't it?
Even scaryduck and his 10g of valium a day can't keep up the pretence now.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 17:30, 20 replies)
Here's an idea:
if you're so excited about the demise of b3ta, why not just stop logging in and pretend it no longer exists?
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 18:08, closed)
Thinking on, you could do this every week.
Maybe more than once if you chose not to log in with any of your alternative accounts as well.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 19:47, closed)
Imagine if Churchill had done that with Hitler.
You dirty Nazi sympathising cunt. Your sort make me sick.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 20:13, closed)
That's easy for you to say, but at least you didn't offer me a prawn wrapped in bacon.
Who told you I'm a vegetarian?
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 21:42, closed)
Everybody knows that Hitler was a veggie.
It's why the cunt was so highly strung. Needed a bit of meat.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 22:01, closed)
I thought it was because he had unsatisfactory orgasms.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 22:24, closed)
He supposedly had a deficit of organs.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 19:00, closed)
You must be so proud.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 18:53, closed)
A cat couldn't scratch it.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 20:17, closed)
Three and a half inches of blue steel.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 21:42, closed)
Don't know where that extra half came from.
I should probably wash more often.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 22:02, closed)
Have a cookie.
Then fuck off.

Why does it bother you so much? Just keep posting and being ignored in /talk

I enjoy reading some of the stories. Passes the time. And it's not doing any harm?!
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 19:03, closed)
Who invited you?
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 21:43, closed)
I've no idea who you are but I'm terribly glad that you're enjoying being annoyed about whatever it is you're being annoyed about.
I don't really know why you're doing it in my thread but everybody is welcome here except The Drearies. Have a prawn wrapped in bacon while you're here.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:38, closed)

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 19:34, closed)
I think that's pretty conclusive, don't you?
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 22:02, closed)
Who's going to make sandwiches at the funeral?

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 20:06, closed)
I hope it isn't Gonz.
Otherwise fuck knows what we'd end up consuming.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 20:09, closed)
Prawns wrapped in bacon.
He's Jewish, you know.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 20:14, closed)

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