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This is a question Failed Projects

You start off with the best of intentions, but through raging incompetence, ineptitude or the plain fact that you're working in IT, things go terribly wrong and there's hell to pay. Tell us about the epic failures that have brought big ideas to their knees. Or just blame someone else.

(, Thu 3 Dec 2009, 14:19)
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wii... wet myself more like...
so on thu night i have client christmas drinks, hosted by the team of the obscenely hot colleague (nb: the colleage/car dilemma is still not resolved, as nothing further has been said… i have no idea if he is just being a boy and thinks it's a done deal so why on earth would we discuss it further until it's time for the loan, or if he just doesn't want to tell me that he's changed his mind... and i also have no idea if i should be asking him if he still wants it or not, argh, what do i do???) .

anyway. it's a bloody team wii competition. i do not do computers, or computer games, or technology in any form. i can't even upload digital photos online. the last time i played a computer game it was the original form of "street fighter ii" on the snes, and even then bison kept kicking my/chun li's little arse all the way back to china. i am going to be leaping around like a blind drunk in stilettos trying to swat a wasp in front of all the clients and the illegally fit boy. what is a wii, and how do i do it, and how do i not make a monumental tit out of myself please?!
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 12:39, 18 replies)
whatever you do get so shitfaced that simulating giving a handjob to the controller-thingy while seductively eyeing up fitboy seems like a genuinely great idea.

This is probably not a genuinely great idea.

And, FFS, dont get all oral fixated about the damn thing either.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 12:54, closed)
Right, i'll be the voice of reason
Don't mention the car loan to the bloke, but if he brings the subject up you're going to have to lend it to him (you did offer).

As for the wii...if you can use a remote control you can use a wii controller. Make sure you put the wrist strap on to prevent throwing it at the tv/client/boss.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 12:56, closed)
sage words
i am actually happy for him to have it, i just don't want to feel like a dick if he has changed his mind/is too pussy to drive it....... he can reject me but not my car!!
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 13:00, closed)
On the downside
Any activities involving a Wii and alcohol will guarantee you make a tit of yourself

On the plus side, you should have some suitably embarrasing\slapstick tales for next weeks qotw!
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 13:03, closed)
I can tell you how to upload pictures, the rest you'll have to work out for yourself.

(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 13:04, closed)
that is the smallest of my Issues as set out above!
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 14:04, closed)
Bring a real sword
and stab someone.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 13:13, closed)
I'm sure I showed you how to do that once.

(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 13:29, closed)
kroney also kindly helped me once. in one ear, out the other with me and IT. this is why i have one picture on photobucket and that's as technical as it gets!
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 13:59, closed)
Ha Ha
Even your one picture has gone inactive now. Oh dear.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 14:31, closed)
Aww, that's a shame, it was all black & white...very tasteful
like an advert for posh perfume..."SWIPE POUR VOUS"
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 14:38, closed)
if only the whole world's vision were blurry and black and white, i'd be kate moss. not sweating my arse off over the PLA Dilapidations Protocol, which isn't even as much fun as it sounds...
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 14:41, closed)
Mum's much the same.
But then again, she's 48 and from South Yorkshire. So she's kept a notebook of everything from downloading films to re-partitioning the HDD.

Works quite independently now, bless her.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 14:48, closed)
you offered, so if he still wants it, you should let him. However, if neither of you mention it, then it could simply slip gently from his memory...let him make the first car-move.

Wii: don't get too competitive (having a tantrum over Wii golf is embarrassing, I speak from experience), remember it's all a bit of a laugh, and if there's something vigorous to do (stop laughing, you at the back), take your shoes off. Better to be short than fall over.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 14:21, closed)
I kind of want you to make a tit out of yourself
...because then we'll get a good story out of it :)
So make sure you have a couple of bottles of fizzygood before you get there, and then go for your life.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 15:17, closed)
It's pretty easy to pick up
Ask at the time if you're not sure.

However, the one thing that will prevent you from looking like a complete tit is the knowledge that it is not necessary to make huge hand movements with the wii - small ones will work just as well, generally.
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 16:08, closed)
^ this ^
is the kind of life saving equipment i need!
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 17:02, closed)
It is very possible to "cheat"
Just by sitting on a sofa and twitching in the right directions.

However, this really isn't getting into the spirit of the thing. I fully recommend that you
a) strap it on
b) take off heels
c) have a riot of a time
(, Tue 8 Dec 2009, 19:27, closed)

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