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This is a question "You're doing it wrong"

Chthonic confesses: "Only last year did I discover why the lids of things in tubes have a recessed pointy bit built into them." Tell us about the facepalm moment when you realised you were doing something wrong.

(, Thu 15 Jul 2010, 13:23)
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I released the new iPhone without actually letting anyone hold it before it went on sale. Oops.


S Jobs.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 15:19, 16 replies)
I did a similar one towards the beginning of the week :)
To please the masses really. I must admit it's getting old now and was getting that way when I posted mine. For the record I have one and always use a case with phones and never notice the issue. The biggest (and only) problem I've had with it is all the people at work and elsewhere going on and on and on about it and taking the piss out of me relentlessly for being a 'sheep' and buying what society considers an unacceptable phone from an unacceptable brand (oh the irony). I don't really care about the issue itself =P
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 15:34, closed)

(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 16:06, closed)
I second your baa
And further to that wish to throw the term "sheeple" into the mix.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 16:13, closed)
Woof woof!

(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 16:16, closed)
You don't care
that you've given your hard-earned cash to a company whose response to a pretty major design flaw was to:
*Deny the problem
*Blame their users for holding the phone wrong (?!)
*Lie to their users about it being a software issue (AND have lied to their users for the past 3 years about how good their signal was)
*Claim that it's exactly the same as an unrelated issue on other phones (shielding on others vs shorting on iPhone)
*Say that there absolutely isn't a problem, but to solve the problem there isn't they'll allow returns (without any guarantee that you'll get out of your contract to, you know, pay for the thing) or give you a sleeve.

Aside from any other issue (employees of suppliers dying due to unsafe working conditions and less-safe processes used to drive down costs, etc) surely the utter contempt that company has shown you- the loyal customer- should be enough to put you off buying it? I mean it's not like it's functionally superior to other smartphones, and other smartphones will get more of an "ooh, what's that?" than an identikit iPhone nowadays anyway.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 16:33, closed)
I like your style.
Can I please steal your arguments, and pass them off as my own?

Especially to hippy, middle class dicks, who only shop for ethical tat.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 16:37, closed)
Already bought it before all that
But really a lot of companies are like that. If it doesn't affect me personally, I don't care.

Same with Microsoft and all the nerd rage that goes on with them. As long as Windows does what I need and all the Nasty Evil they supposedly do doesn't affect me - meh.

Screen quality and available apps/games has been a clear win for me.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 17:00, closed)
doesn't care that people are dying in slave labour conditions for his phone.

(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 17:03, closed)
Oh please
*IF* long standing Chinese manufacturer Foxconn (you may well find that they make things like the SATA cables in your PC or even various parts of computers from 1987 from Commodore) are working in slave labour conditions (proof please?) Apple are at least investigating it.

How do you know that *your* phone isn't made by overworked people in China? Your computer motherboard and especially its connectors and cables? Every other part of the computer? Your clothes? Your TV? Your furniture?
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 17:41, closed)
Given that Foxconn also build for Nokia and Motorola (for starters)...
...it's quite likely that Apple are the good guys in this.

They just need to do some more rigorous prototype and pre-prod testing, that's all. Oh, and sack their PR people for being dipshits and damaging the brand and costing the company far more than a simple product recall or issuing the bumpers for free would have done.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 18:09, closed)
I would agree...
...that the "PR department" aka Steve Jobs needs to - well, shut up at least, since he can't easily be fired. It's his snippy and arrogant emails that are damaging their reputation IMO, and it's him who's been saying silly things like "don't hold it that way".

Which I think summarises why it doesn't bother me too much. Yes Jobs is a jerk (at least the thin version, I'm sure he used to be a decent chap) but he's just one person in the company and really like most CEOs, not a particularly important one beyond the actual title and position. They'll sort it out 'properly' eventually - by September by the sounds of it - and I'm sure they'll swap the units if people complain by then. I'll get it changed myself if it ever becomes an issue. Just take what Steve says with a pinch of salt.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 18:27, closed)
Sure, buy Microsoft.
But be aware that you're mainly paying lawyers to stifle innovation at other companies.
Feel proud that your money is going towards making people pay more for Tom Tom, and other, GPS devices.
Be enthralled at the fact that every time you buy a PC it costs just a little more because you helped Microsoft buy more lawyer-hours than anyone else.
Feel comfortable that businesses around the world are being fined huge amounts because your money helped MS apply bizarre licensing schemes.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 20:28, closed)
Oh of course
So instead of supporting the fight against software patents, that's not good enough, I should cut my nose off to spite my face (otherwise known as using Linux and kissing goodbye to decent software and games, and spending 3 days installing a printer)

I bow down to your superior moral standards.

Could you Linux/Android lot possibly get any more sanctimonious? I thought I was bad, but jesus.
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 20:54, closed)
"... supporting the fight against software patents..."
By paying Microsoft? Give me a break.
If you can't be arsed using free software and would rather stifle innovation fro an easy life than fair enough - but "... supporting the fight against software patents..." and paying lawyers to fight against yourself?
Plus, it's the fact you actually pay Microsoft to do this that means Linux can't support your printer and people don't code for Linux. If it weren't for the likes of MS's "patent portfolio" being paid for by you Linux would likel have evolved a lot further.
So, OK, be a lazy fuck and make sure that everyone will be paying Microsoft for second rate shit. But feel good about yourself because you're not "cutting off your nose to spite your face".
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 21:45, closed)
It's possible to generally support something
Or disagree with something without resorting to the extremes of boycotting. Nobody is dying over this. Heck, what has Linux done with its desire for 'innovation'? Play catch up and copy Mac OS X mostly, and offer 50 different half arsed attempts at an application which does the same thing, 49 of which have been abandoned by the developer on the basis of 'it's open source; you do it.'

Still, I hope if your workplace uses eeeevil Microsoft software at all that you resign and keep rejecting new jobs until you find one that doesn't. I mean this is pretty serious business apparently. People might die from your selfishness!

Get some perspective. Oh and you won't make many friends going around telling people off for the operating system they use. But hey, at least you can sleep well, alone, knowing you have the moral high ground!
(, Wed 21 Jul 2010, 23:43, closed)
Yeah. Well.
Apple can shove it up their arse.

Until my one arrives on Monday...
(, Thu 22 Jul 2010, 14:03, closed)

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