and you didn't take the opportunity
to run out and piss on him while he was down?
I'm not sure you deserve my random burn CD now....
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:00,
im piecing together the chain here, slowly
johnny catfish's goes to lonewolf,
lonewolf's goes to me,
mine goes to you,
yours goes to woodside59
manolith hooray for me, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:06,
And mine goes to JC.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:07,
The Brain's went to me
Mine went to Druid (I think)
Cap'n Tallbeard, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:07,
Was the address in Hebden Bridge?
If so, yes it was Druid.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:08,
It was to 'Tom' though, Druid's the only /talker I know is called Tom
Cap'n Tallbeard, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:09,
I'm getting mine from Eddache and sending to Last Night A DJ...
The Teviot Moose major 5th., Wed 24 May 2006, 17:11,
clairebare's went to the brain
whoever gets druid's had better like zombina and the skeletones
manolith hooray for me, Wed 24 May 2006, 17:11,