Hara-kiri might be a better option
The only time I was amused after watching the Friday Night Project was after the very first show they did, with Vinnie Jones as the presenter.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:55,
Seppuku would be better.
goat thinks you're shit, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 23:57,
I don't understand who thought it would be good
to get NON-TRAINED PRESENTERS to present a show. Witness Jordan's terrible attempt at the helm, no, scratch that, nearly every 'guest host'. It just makes a car-crash of a show into a big pile-up.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 0:02,