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His eyes are half moons that have fallen over.

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:52, archived)
Stop that now :(.

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:53, archived)
Hey dibble dibble,
You had a little fiddle,
Evel Knievel jumped over your moons,
The little mong laughed to see such fun,
And then BREEEEEOOOOOW *stunt ramps off your brie head* something something spoon.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:02, archived)
Well, before I pop him on ignore and lose this bit of the thread
Hello ickle Gumsy.

edit: and lose the other conversation up there. FFS. Right, I'll just have to look away, like when dogs are shitting.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:53, archived)
:( you're going to ignore me?
this is sad times. I thought that's just how we spoke to each other.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:54, archived)
To be fair
she is possibly the easiest regular to wind up.

She's nice when she calms down though.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:56, archived)
Hactualyl I'm nice most of the time.
It's not that it upsets me, it's just there's a difference between a funny cunt and a cunt. One I have time for. *shrugs*

Let's all get involved, though.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:57, archived)
Yes, possibly
but it's an automatic fail if you start caring about the opinion of anyone online.

We're all fucking irrelevant and worthless the minute we post.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:59, archived)
So should I be caring about your automatic fail opinion?
Oh, never mind. I'm shit, you're all fabulous, fuck back off to question of the week or whatever people have fallen foul of the talk gods this week etc etc etc etc etc.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:02, archived)
Yeah, but you were funny with it
now you're just like a little baby gilgamesh.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:57, archived)

Gilgamesh, also known as Bilgames in the earliest text,[1] was the son of Lugalbanda and the fifth king of Uruk (Early Dynastic II, first dynasty of Uruk), ruling circa 2700 BC, according to the Sumerian king list. He became the central character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the best known works of early literature, which says that his mother was Ninsun (whom some call Rimat Ninsun), a goddess. Gilgamesh is described as two-thirds god and one-third human.

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:58, archived)
Oh ok.
I'll take a few steps back and find the line, then I'll stay just the right side of it.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:58, archived)
It gets old, being ignored or bitched at. You lot are nice to each other occasionally
but very rarely does that niceness reach me. Occasionally other qill be nice for a bit, but... meh.

Actually, I sound like a right whiner. I suppose if you're not in with the popular crowd, you're not, and lamenting that won't change anything. I just think it's a bit sad. I'm quite a nice person, or at least, my friends certainly seem to enjoy me, but if nobody's particularly bothered about getting to know me before they start the whole oh-so-funny, totally new and not old in any way cuntery then that's their decision, I guess.

Yes, sound like a right whiner. Well done.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:01, archived)
Wrong time of the month ?

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:01, archived)
Of course.

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:03, archived)
I wouldn't repeatedly try to bully you if I didn't like your internet words.
Would you like an initiation ceremony while we all have tea and biscuits and watch some DVDs in our PJs?

If you do it while watching Hollyoaks, you might get gonzo to hold your hand.

God I started off not being a cunt with this post, but reading back it's still there.

Oh well.

Cheer up.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:03, archived)
I'd like to not be the easily picked on person because a few of you think I'm a dick
so everyone jumps on me as well (you know, you've seen it in playgrounds) but oh well.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:04, archived)
I dont think you're a dick
I think you're over-sensitive.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:06, archived)
I'd rather be over sensitive than a bully though. The simple fact is that people over here try desperately to upset each other (or me, anyway) and then go 'oh don't take it seriously' when anyone gets hurt.

Children do that. But yes, it's my problem, I know. It always is.

God knows 99% of /talk users wouldn't behave this way in front of people, which at least bullyish children aren't too pussy to do. I don't know. Never mind.
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:08, archived)
Far too much emotional energy is being expended here.

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:11, archived)
Ello :)

(, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:58, archived)
(, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:12, archived)