It was more of a "how far can I get without trying" sort of thing
And I ended up in the final 16. Then had to pull out.
Freddie was my replacement.
I don't know who Freddie is.
__, Fri 19 Jun 2009, 11:41,
Tragic nwe
Malaka omdz, Fri 19 Jun 2009, 11:43,
__, Fri 19 Jun 2009, 11:44,
fuck it
stupid keyboard
Malaka omdz, Fri 19 Jun 2009, 11:46,
Doesn't mean you'd be in though does it,
or are there 16 of the cunts in there?
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Fri 19 Jun 2009, 11:47,
They put about 14 in on the first night.
And there's usually a few ones they whack in half way through to shake things up.
RR I love you ... in a way, Fri 19 Jun 2009, 11:49,