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Evenin', J to tha muthafuckin' A.

(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:38, archived)
I just got the Altair armour on AC2. My night is complete.

(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:40, archived)
I have been playing Bioshock for the first time
and am failing to see what all the fuss is about. It's quite fun, but not "OMG U MUST PLAY BIOSOHCK ITS LIK BES GAME EVAR"
(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:43, archived)
I couldn't see a fucking thing in that game. Had the brightness turned all the way up and all.

(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:44, archived)

I like the concept, but I just can't be arsed to actually play it.
(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:51, archived)
I'm with you on this.
The start bit is great. The ending is great. The game is a bit dull.
You can't die, there's no penalty for dying, so there's no fear. Rubbish idea.
(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:55, archived)
Well, I'll probably push on to the end, but not in any hurry.
Shooting American teenagers in the face on Modern Warfare 2 is taking up lots of my gaming time.
(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:59, archived)
I dunno,
Warioland III had no deaths (if you got hit you lost some treasure) but it was still fun.
(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 0:59, archived)
You lose nothing for dying on Bioshock,
and all the damage you've done to enemies remains.
(, Wed 2 Dec 2009, 1:13, archived)