Fucking hell.
Just... fucking hell.
Are you allergic to real people?
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 21:57,
To be honest, one of the b3tans was an accident
and the other was borne out of desperation.
I have no social skills.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 21:58,
I love your sig. Again.
Druid, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 21:59,
Four potential causes of pedant-rage in a mere six words.
I'm very proud of it.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 22:01,
I'm assuming it's a quotation?
Druid, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 22:04,
Apparently not.
www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22should+off+gone+to+specsavers%22&btnG=Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=I like the suggestion after "Did you mean to search for..."
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 22:09,
Did you mean: "should of gone to specsavers"
Druid, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 22:11,