Ticket fraud?
What kind of ticket?
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:22,
He's been writing fake parking tickets
and convincing people to pay them by sending envelopes full of cash to his council flat.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:25,
Holy fuck this is actually a brilliant idea for a con
I could make a fortune doing this.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:26,
you want to know how to?
Just send $1 to "Happy Dude"...
RocketSurgeon is pretending he's still young, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:27,
18 months i reckon lottery tickets, folded neatly into wraps containing a white powder
mongychops, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:26,
There might be a Talc shortage
But not that much of one.
RocketSurgeon is pretending he's still young, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:28,
some chocolate factory or something
spacefish bong!, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:28,