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Especially after the afternoon I've had. JFC.
2.5 hours waiting at another walk-in only to be told completely contradictory info to the last one. No medicine. An urgent ENT referral though. Urgent means I should be told I have an appointment within two. Fucking. Weeks.
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 20:08, archived)
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This week I've been mostly listening to Gentle Giant, 70s King Crimson, and a little bit of 80s King Crimson playing 70s King Crimson.
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 22:07, archived)
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You sanctimoniously lecture everyone about racism all the time, typical virtue signaling, which is very suss. It makes me think you are the biggest racist on here, the way you protest about it (too much) and yet you were happy to give me another chance while thinking I'm antisemitic? Does that mean you value the rights of POC more than the rights of Jews?
Alt: I hope your ear falls off.
P.s. you cannot wait two weeks for treatment of an ear infection. You will bloodywell lose your hearing.
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 20:31, archived)
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'Sanctimony' suggests that you place equal moral value on racism and anti-racism. My moral position (don't be a racist cunt) is the superior. I understand how that might seem sanctimonious to someone with inferior morals.
Your paranoid suspicion of anti-racist behaviour also strongly indicates that you hold pro and anti racism in moral equivalence...
Complaining about virtue signalling is signalling the virtue of not signalling virtues. Its unironic deployment in an argument is a useful identifier of a simple mind brainwashed by simple right wing populism.
Thinking that complaining about overt and casual racism makes one a bigger racist than those using overt racist language and casual racist tropes, makes you a complete fucking idiot. The logic just isn't even there.
I was willing to give you a chance based on your fucked up colonial upbringing and your tenuous mental state. You've had all the benefit of the doubt I'm willing to give.
Jews and POC are not mutually exclusive groups. Yours is an argument from ignorance and so it is dismissed.
Thanks for your concern and attention. Now please fuck off.
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 21:37, archived)
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To go with that word salad 🥗
Holy crap do you talk a load of kak
( , Tue 24 Sep 2024, 1:43, archived)
![This is a normal post](/images/board_posticon.gif)
Word salad is not an appropriate term to describe that.
You are not good at arguing.
( , Tue 24 Sep 2024, 3:01, archived)
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And I think you're a pompous old fart.
Time for you to block me now.
Nice knowing you.
( , Tue 24 Sep 2024, 7:59, archived)
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and your inability/unwillingness to comprehend the language you use. You brought up race, you dragged me into your childish attempt at bullying.
I can only assume you're doing this in the hope that by joining in with the racist morons they will accept you and respect you.
They're still going to think you're a cunt and you've just burnt another bridge.
( , Tue 24 Sep 2024, 20:24, archived)
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They took two whole days to formulate a plan that was no more complicated than "Let's go and fuck up thay Saruman bastard."
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 21:26, archived)
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( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 22:01, archived)
![This is a normal post](/images/board_posticon.gif)
There is a suspicious lump in my ear canal they want to have a look at. Again.
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 22:08, archived)
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( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 22:31, archived)
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And yet instead of any sort of acknowledgement that I'm still able to provide patients with an appointment within 4 weeks for even non urgent problems despite the fact that our staff are leaving in droves due to the unmanageable workload and we can't afford to replace them as we struggle to balance the relentless rising costs against static government funding and ever increasing need arising from an aging population and the failure of hospitals to provide any sort of timely care even as the NHS proportional spending on secondary vs primary care continues to increase, GPs are still getting all the flack for the health service being shit because hospitals are special or something.
( , Mon 23 Sep 2024, 22:25, archived)