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'I remember when...'
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:41,
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*bids 4d*
Thinker ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:41,
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Well this is just fantastic!
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:42,
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lordsaccharine b3taing is well retro mate ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:42,
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Haha! Bloody excelent!
Letum Your Ad here £2.40 ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:42,
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hahahah, office lolled
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:42,
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Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:42,
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I was going to provide the obligatory link,
but its domain has expired. Now we really will have to remember when it was all fields. Also, WOO.
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:42,
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and woo to the pic
Paster of Muppets is an incredible screen name ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 19:19,
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very nice indeed. Stop being so bloody poignant all the time! :D
op op op op op I stink therfore I spam ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:43,
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yes yes yes
Finite "Aardvark sorted out my shit!" on ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:43,
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I remember when these fields were all fresh basalt deposits
*gets up out of rickety chair* *shakes a bit* *sits back down* stop snapping whippers! and get out of my bins!!
discomeats This canoe ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:44,
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I'm not in your bins, you old fart.
*in your bins*
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:45,
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oooh crivvens! ME BINS!
discomeats This canoe ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:47,
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*crashes about*
I'm NOT in your bins.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:48,
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haha! I don't even remember where my bins are
:D oh :/
discomeats This canoe ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:51,
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They're not these bins, which I am currently in.
OOOOH tena lady. Nom.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:52,
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Sorry to stalk, but
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:55,
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*offers bite of tena lady*
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:57,
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*stores in his pouch*
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:00,
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Pouchy pouchy happy time!
*clambers in* TO LIDL!
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:05,
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Uggggnnnnn *stumbles to the pub*
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:10,
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sexy bins tiem!
discomeats This canoe ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:59,
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Excellent stuff! w/y/h
XLVII .uk ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:44,
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fucking yeah! fp!
Tom OBedlam I have control of a tank ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:46,
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don't be silly, it took me no more than 5 mins to do :)
but thank you, anyway :)
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:47,
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so what? its still bloody funny :)
Tom OBedlam I have control of a tank ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:48,
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Ah yes but these are the rules of b3ta
o Spent ages on post coming up with finely taylored political/topical gag = no fp o Spent five minutes during lunch in Paint = fp + Zoo + tabloid exposure b3ta's rules are fickle and well defined all at the same time. ;)
Lazlo Woodbine Panowie! ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:50,
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hahaha, you're not wrong
*picks up chance card*
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:51,
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*wears out clicking finger*
Lazlo Woodbine Panowie! ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:48,
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Very clever!
Also gives me a chance to pea this ;)
Capitan Last night a BJ choked my wife ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:51,
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That's great
and I agree with the sentiment. Own up: do you say "...going to Tesco's" when you used to say "...going to the shops"?
oldpeopleinthecemetery ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:20,
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william_shatner ,
Thu 29 May 2008, 18:29,
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you brilliant bastard
pzyko Query failed. ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:54,
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I done a shoutout during a boring Alterac Valley run on World Of Warcraft...
...5 of us guarding a tower and literally kicking our heels "I remember when this was all fields" got a few smilies :)Omg, I'm a fucking nerd. Errr, woo :D
Jeccius Steam Borderlands 2 junkie ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:55,
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Hurrah for geek jokes
Having quit wow a few months ago, I've just swallowed my worries and pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of Warhammer Online. I hope I don't live to regret it.
Mockingbird Practitioner of SCIENCE ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:08,
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I've been WoWing like mental recently
Working on arenas with me 70 Warrior; got some Merciless gear and a slightly big sword. Also rep grinding and q'ing in Netherstorm for Aldor rep and gold. Am enjoying it. A bit. Honest :p
Jeccius Steam Borderlands 2 junkie ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 18:08,
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That's just wonderful!~
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 16:56,
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i do like catching one of your pics when i pop in splendid stuff as ever sir.
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:03,
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genious :)
arrangedletters ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:04,
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all of the brilliants
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:07,
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Bindun but woo anyway
Big Ian has stopped changing his sig ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:21,
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guessed it was too good an idea to not have been done before. Nevermind! :) and apologies to whoever did it before
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:25,
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My back hurts
from the constant bowing... but how can I not? *bows*
Manic can teach you the secret of fire ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:26,
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yay this is fab
unlike 'progress' and 'development' which is just a load of old donkey bollocks.
Kallus speaks for the Spores ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 17:29,
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beaubodor blogless ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 19:27,
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Simple and luffly.
Woo and click...
robotic Loves you all, except for... ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 20:24,
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mozza ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 20:28,
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i remember when this was new but its still funny :)
the_man361 bffwaarghhl ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 21:58,
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Yeah it's been done before
I don't know why we're the only perceptive bastards on the board. I'll find the link.
J-Rod chortled as he came ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 23:33,
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I'm glad someone else thinks so
I'm sure I've seen this before. Still funny though.
shrinking man Been away a while, time I ventured back ,
Wed 28 May 2008, 1:37,
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i'm not alone :)
Spunky McPunk not dead yet ,
Wed 28 May 2008, 13:52,
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That, my good sir
Is truly superb. *repeatedly clicks*
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 22:43,
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That's taking things
Flash_Bastard ,
Tue 27 May 2008, 23:58,
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Soup herb, but....
...not only has this been done before, it's been frontpaged before...
Bad Horsey Bring back Dr. Ubes Rub! ,
Wed 28 May 2008, 9:06,
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I *was* wondering
if this was either a bindun or a pearoast. for a minute I thought I might have been going senile.
bluemeat has been best of all the animals since ,
Wed 28 May 2008, 11:10,
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Yes, they were all fields
until you came and developed all over them :D Nice idea though.
The Legendary Pink Dot survived yet another ,
Wed 28 May 2008, 12:24,
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i remember when this was a repost!
skullbuggery uh huh! kissed a cow! ,
Thu 29 May 2008, 21:46,
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