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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I've got a bat icon
You've all got pumpkins.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 9:59, 34 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
How did you get that?
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 10:27, Reply)
Well, I have embellished how much I rule
Just update your icon on your profile page.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 10:29, Reply)
Like I just did

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 10:39, Reply)
Also, I want to start a FUCKING WAR
because of this post: www.b3ta.com/questions/offtopic/post556023

My comment is at the bottom at the moment. Who's with me? WHO'S WITH ME?!
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 10:30, Reply)
I'm not Im afraid.
I think this needs to be there as an example of FAQ fail. Like medieval executioner putting a severed head on a spike, but with words.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 10:41, Reply)
He's not championing the FAQ
He's targeting posters with whom he has a personal problem, and in his mind, making an example of them. If the archive was solely about failed posts with terrible grammar, uninteresting content or obvious lies disguised as the truth, I'd support it too.

However, several of the links on his profile page refer to posts that ended up on the 'best of' page on their own merit. So what agenda is he pulling here? What criteria determine a good post from a bad one? Oh, I see, it's just his opinion, which through persistence rather than worthiness has earned the attention of one of the site founders. It's a fucking ego trip and to give him credit for that is beyond pathetic.

Do you really think every post in that list belongs there? I argue that it's a mean-spirited and anti-b3ta tool for causing trouble (not the fun kind), and I'm disappointed that it has received the seal of approval from the Ginger Fuhrer himself.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 10:55, Reply)
I have no problem with the archive, in fact I find it quite entertaining in a mindless sort of way.
Everyone who has a post in the archive made that post of their own free will. So if others want to slate them and take the piss, then they can't really complain, since they're the one who chose to share their story online (ONLINE).

I agree that the point of QOTW should be to entertain, so if I don't like a particular story, or find it entertaining, then I skip clicking I like this. If Amorous Badger wants to have his own archive of posts he believes to be fail, then so be it. Hell I've contributed to it with a few stories myself. The fact that Rob has put it in the newsletter...does it really hurt anyone? He's cited AB as a /boarder instead of a /talker which I'd imagine has to hurt a little, since there's no real validation for him there.

I also love the fact that he's listed Kaol as a contributor of other people's fail and then included one of his stories.

Edit: Ooh I got a bat as default :)
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 12:31, Reply)
I hear you, but...
it's basically just a cliquey little /talk in-joke that is now endorsed by the command centre on account of most of them spending a lot of time on /talk. It's being touted as some kind of b3ta public service when in actual fact, it's a carefully-picked selection of posts designed to undermine certain people, aimed at an audience whose usual contribution to the site is one-line posts about their lunch.

If it's such a good idea, why not make a /fail board that covers all the other boards on the site. Alongside 'I like this' there could be a 'This post fails' link. That way it could be up to everyone to decide what is approved posting behaviour or not instead of the dictatorship of shame it currently represents, with AB having sole editorial control over it.

Ultimately, I think this kind of ridicule reinforces cliques and board divisions and serves to drive people away from b3ta instead of encouraging new users or continued posting. I just don't see how that can be a good thing, even when certain posters might be shit. That's what 'ignore' is there for. Tar and feathers, heads on spikes, stockades, call it what you will. It's not why I signed up to b3ta.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 13:11, Reply)
But that's just it. It's a /talk injoke thing which people can choose to pay attention to or just ignore it.
You don't even have to click on ignore to do it. I feel no shame for being included in the archive. Conversely I also feel no great pride either because b3ta isn't representative of real life and what people are actually like - with a few exceptions of course.

I think you should gaz Rob with your suggestions as I'd welcome a fail board or a fail button next to I like this and ignore. I don't have as much time to spend on here as I did in the summer, so a fail board would be handy to see what the current mood on here is without having to read lots of daytime threads.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 13:30, Reply)
I've added a suggestion to the Bugs and Features page for them to ignore :-)
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 13:36, Reply)
b3ta isn't representative of real life...
except that it's full of interesting, clever, funny, boring, stupid, ignorant, friendly, witty, clueless, outrageous and/or entertaining people/twats/mongs, whom we can befriend, like, ignore, dislike or hate as we choose.
Also, not everyone will like/dislike the same people.
Also there are cliques everywhere: this is natural.
I like the FAIL archive. It's a nice antidote to the crawly-bum-lick that is the 'best of' pages.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 13:46, Reply)
In principle
I agree and I'd support an 'I don't like this' button to provide precisely that. I just don't think it should be run by one person with a clear anti-QOTW agenda and an obvious dislike of certain people.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 13:57, Reply)
I like QOTw at his best.
And it's worst offers an unbelieving horrified fascination for me.

I'm not quite sure where you're getting the idea that I've got an agenda about it.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:15, Reply)
It's funny you should say that.
Badgerboy covers all of those descriptions, except for the positive ones. He obviously has far too much time on his hands. Far better he put that time to good and productive use, like smearing his cock with dog food and locking himself in a room with a rabid Doberman that hasn't eaten for a week.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 14:02, Reply)
Sexual fetishes was last week

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 14:15, Reply)
Yeah, but..you're a cunt.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:36, Reply)
That's a horrible thing to say about me.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 15:35, Reply)
That's because it's a 'worst of'.
There's already a 'best of'.

They're called 'the best of' page.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:07, Reply)
How is taking the piss out of people 'anti b3ta', given the vast majority of the site is essentially taking the piss out of something.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:14, Reply)

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:41, Reply)
I didn't say taking the piss was anti-b3ta
I said your archive was anti-b3ta. It's laced with an unpleasant aroma of snide mockery that is neither funny or clever. Some of the entries are absolutely spot on and I doubt anyone would disagree, but quite a few just don't belong there at all. They were only included because you and couple of fellow cunts happen to agree with one another. Judging everyone from a distance in your /talk bunker means your list probably doesn't represent what most QOTW regulars think.
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 5:28, Reply)
me me me.

Have added my comments to that post.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:15, Reply)
Good man
Sock it to 'em
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:25, Reply)

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:23, Reply)
haha, sock it to 'em?
team chart cat/mordred on the fucking rampage. the pricks ensemble.
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 0:50, Reply)
Oh dear
Oh dear oh dear. Irony failure.
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 2:49, Reply)
Shit, I'll have to delete it all NOW.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:21, Reply)

(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 7:35, Reply)
You're a cunt.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:36, Reply)
To be honest the only thing that makes me laugh about his fail archive is the fact he likes to crow about it.
Which makes him a bit of a pillock.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 12:45, Reply)
If the list was a bit more fair-minded
and didn't single out people, then I'd be all for it. As it stands, it's just another cliquey /talk mechanism for bullying us sweet-natured QOTW cunts ONLINE.

Blah blah taking it all too seriously blah words on a page blah whatever.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 13:34, Reply)
There's a list of /talk failures too.
It's not all doom and gloom mr.serious.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:25, Reply)
The difference is that you're a regular /talk poster yourself
That adds some credence to your list at least. I could assemble a list of /board failures but I'm pretty sure I'd get shot down in flames too, seeing as I hardly ever contribute to /board.

It's no coincidence that the two fail lists have been set up by a couple of /talkers though. That place is like an island of shit-flecked spikes baking under the heat of a thousand angry suns, surrounded by an ocean of acid, piss and orphan tears. It's no wonder the inhabitants are so grumpy and bitter.
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 2:56, Reply)
The only person I've consciously singled out is P_B, who takes it all fairly good humouredly.
If someone FAILS twice and someone draws my attention to it, it's not my fault that they're idiots.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:08, Reply)

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