So, I'm guessing most of you know about this but I just wanted to make sure.
As X Factor finished last night ready to create the Christmas number one there is a counter movement to get Rage Against the Machine's Killing In The Name as Christmas number one.
The band are giving all profits to Shelter.
Now this is the important bit. For your purchase to count you need to buy it from somewhere selling it for over 40p.
Come on guys, we need to keep the insipid arse water that is X Factor off the number one spot by a song with the chorus of 'Fuck you I won't do what you tell me'.
At the time of writing it has just slipped to number two in the iTunes chart.
Go one, you know you want to.
*edit* So it seems a B3TARD started it. Sorry for telling you what you all already know, I'll go back to Off Topic.
*edit* No the irony is not lost on me of buying another song I'm being told to buy.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 19:58, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:00, archived)

Rage Against the Machine is Shit, cause Zach DeLaRocha is fake as fuck.
I do know this for a fact.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:01, archived)

he'll punch you just like an actual person. Not fake at all.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:02, archived)

Noob. He grew up in Irvine. His parents are both Lawyers. They suck ass. You suck balls :P
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:05, archived)

I have a problem with someone growing up in an extremely affluent area trying to be down with the common man. Talking about being oppressed when you are rich is hypocritical. That's not to say I wouldn't agree that he or they (the band) should try to help the working class.
But don't try to identify with me. Don't be down with the common man when you have never known what the fuck it's like. Don't tell me that you feel like I fucking feel, and that you "know my struggle". Help me, don't parade it to make money. Which is ultimately what they did.
SO yeah, I have a problem with them.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:36, archived)

you're not a fucking cowboy, you ain't foolin' nobody
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:38, archived)

Neither you nor any other member of Iron Maiden have been Tailgunners. Or Troopers, for that matter. You lying cunts.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:41, archived)

edit: No, they're BOTH Dickinsons.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:44, archived)

with a really badly spelled menu.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:51, archived)

any of abba's members trained to be super troopers
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:57, archived)

:D I have problems with anyone trying to identify like that.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:43, archived)

before they're allowed to dish out any pathos.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:45, archived)

and therefore are just being an argumentative cunt.
I am not saying that they shouldn't help. I am saying it's hypocritical to say "We're poor"
They're not poor. Never have been.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:55, archived)

Apparently his father was an artist and his mother an anthropologist and they were separated from each other. Not lawyers. Not super-affluent.
He also apparently suffered racism due to his Mexican heritage.
Sounds really privileged.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:01, archived)

I have no idea about the man. But I can read Wikipedia as well as the next person.
You seem to know all about him though. Just wondering what your source was.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:04, archived)

whose only task is to read out Wikipedia entries to him.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:30, archived)

"I don't like RATM. I don't enjoy that sort of music and I met Zack de la Rocha and thought he was a twat" and everything would have been fine.
But you started making baseless accusations and prejudiced statements based on inverted snobbery about his perceived wealth and privilege. Then you got snotty when people challenged your prejudices.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:41, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:42, archived)

you are all going to belittle me for my opinion. I made a concise argument, and only I know.. so, whatever.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:45, archived)

You can't even see how much of a stupid fucking prick you are, can you?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:46, archived)

I have my opinion. That is all. Cock off.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:52, archived)

your argument was wide open to criticism, since you haven't bothered to eplain further or provide prrof or examples of wha tyou are suggesting then there is no point trying to find a horse high enough
btw: i should know i get myself into this kind of trouble quite often enough
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:59, archived)

wasn't it? Eloquence is not my strong suit. And I do not really have the evidence, save for knowing people who knew him, to back my claims up.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:04, archived)

But I am arguing on the internet!
Look at me!!!
WHee!!!! This place is stupid and I curse the day they ever made /talk
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:16, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:21, archived)

It impairs you from talking about what it's like. He would never have known what being poor or oppressed means. Not in Irvine.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:37, archived)

No one can know exactly what it's like for anyone else. Being affluent doesn't stop you being human or having difficulties that can help you relate to someone else.
Or is he only allowed to sing songs about dinner parties and house prices?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:42, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:45, archived)

What do you know of being poor? This isn't derogatory, or an insult. I really want to know.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:46, archived)

or asking RATM as some sort of open question? Because my tale of poverty is so fucking harrowing it would make you weep, you petty little child.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:53, archived)

I was asking you, you insulent prick. It's not a rude question. It's a question. Have you ever been poor? I don't fucking know you, so I don't know.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:57, archived)

and yet it's neither relative nor crucial to this debate. That's like arguing white people can't support black rights movements, or the Western sympathy for Tibet is a joke because we've never been oppressed. Musicians making apt art that is able to speak directly to someone's emotions and justly represent the plight or pain of an individual or group is no less diminished if the artist hasn't personally experienced it. You're just being a sanctimonious prick who likes diminishing other people's achievements.
Let me ask YOU a question. Have you ever produced a music album? Have you ever slaved your guts out with a team of like-minded musicians day and night, going without sleep, trying to nail the perfect mix that encapsulates perfectly the raw emotion you feel? No, you haven't, because you're a lazy cretin who'd rather point the finger at the easy target than actually do something worthwhile. Now go and play, you ridiculous little maggot.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:02, archived)

I am so scared... really, what are you going to do?
No, I have not stayed up for days making an album. I do not want to diminish other peoples' achievements.
I have absolutely no problem with them as musicians. TO be in fact, I own some of their albums and find the music quite good. But how can you rightly, as a person, say that you understand me, when you don't? WHen you couldn't because you have never REALLY lived it.
Here's an example. I have a friend that considers himself worldly because he traveled to Asia. He grew up very affluent and wants to talk about nothing but how he's so fucking awesome and in touch with the indigent peoples of wherever the fuck. He's a genuine traveler, right?
So I asked him, did he once eat with them, or spend weeks living as they did? No. He was a tourist, passing through. That's their lives. I submit that Mister Zach is a fucking tourist. ANd I happen to know I'm right.
So lick it up, faggot. I can bitch slap on the internet as well.
Ooooooooo..... scary you....
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:11, archived)

Note for anyone looking through THE LIST: Scoopzilla is a massive prick.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:13, archived)

all you lot do is push your own agenda and jump down the throats of anyone who disagrees; all while calling them cunts.
SO.. whatever. You're internet awesome and I am clearly a nitwit. Whatever. You go with that.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:27, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:22, archived)

*runs upstairs*
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:18, archived)

so frustrating...
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:30, archived)

that's not a bitchslap. That's you failing Rhetoric 101. That's you showing you're not mature enough to follow a coherent train of thought or intelligent enough to reply with a relevant answer.
But character assassinations aside, your argument suggests that Shakespeare is worthless because he was never a Danish Prince who had his father killed by his uncle. It's a music album. It's the voice of an artist. If he feels a link with a group, and is able to express the voice of that group in such a way that that group appreciates it, then surely he's even greater than the average poor person for being able to attune himself to their feelings.
So fuck off for six years, grow up, then come back when you've either got a decent argument or some decent insults, you teenager.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:18, archived)

it's about my age. I am willing to guess you're young.
But again, really... what are you going to do? c'mon...
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:19, archived)

this is just about showing you up for the clumsy-headed prejudiced fool that you are. You'd better throw your Decemberist CDs away, they were never chimbley sweeps and I bet you hate them talking to you as they identify with the plight of the Victorian street urchin, the fucking fakers.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:30, archived)

who looked like they were dirnking too much and....oh
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:47, archived)

in asia and has never gone on about the plight of the people a sif he may bleed their blood for them is in fact quite sensible for neve rhaving bothered to mention to me how people live when he's seen it for quite some every fucking day of the week
btw just because you have rich parents you don't automatically become a snobby little fucker who's only pleasure in life is money
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:20, archived)

so how can you know? Come visit, and if you don't believe me you will before you leave.
And I applaud your mate. This isn't the same thing.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:25, archived)

and place in the world, relating to things differently. possibly becuase of this or in spite of it
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:30, archived)

i'm sure thats the where they've been bottling the american dream isn't it?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:51, archived)

until you know for sure. That's not wrong actually. You couldn't be poor and live in Irvine. I am not exaggerating.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:54, archived)

Don't be silly.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:06, archived)

Therefore no one there is poor.
It's a rubbish argument, isn't it?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:27, archived)

we're the richest country in the world. No one SHOULD BE poor, but there are...
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 23:10, archived)

Can you see the little plastic cap that you blow in to inflate him?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:36, archived)

it's everyfuckingwhere on facebook and a b3tan started the group in the first place I think
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:01, archived)

really, really, who gives a fuck. A naughty band with a naughty word in their song, oooh, might sell more records than some limpwristed fuckweasels I've never heard of. Blithering shit, it's not even worth the energy of telling you you're a stupid fucking cunt. But fuck it, I'm feeling seasonably generous. Fuck off, you stupid fucking cunt.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:02, archived)

I buy the music I like when I like.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:03, archived)

You know who works for Sony?
Simon Cowell.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:04, archived)

It's hardly likely to end up lining Cowell's pockets if 1 track sells enough to make Christmas #1
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:09, archived)

We'll buy a different track because someone else tells us to. I'm not really sure what we're supposed to be proving any more :(
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:14, archived)

That thought gives me some hope.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:17, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:27, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:38, archived)

I know I'm being cynical, but he'll STILL be number one, and loads more nans will be buying his record to stop the naughty sweary band win.
He's laughing all the way to the bank, and who fucking cares about the chart anyway? It always has and always will be mainly full of shit music that nans and 14 year olds buy.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:42, archived)

And yet, with equal certainty I know I don't want to. Which one of us is right?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:05, archived)

While I can see what people are doing, there's no way it'll work. Also, most people don't care about the charts any more. This is proving nothing.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:07, archived)

1. The Climb
Joe McElderry
The Climb
2. Bad Romance
Lady GaGa
3. You Know Me
Robbie Williams
4. Russian Roulette
5. 3 Words (feat. will.i.am)
Cheryl Cole
6. Meet Me Halfway
Black Eyed Peas
7. TiK ToK
8. Let the Bass Kick In Miami Girl (Radio Edit)
Chuckie & LMFAO
9. Don't Stop Believin'
10. Doesn't Mean Anything
Alicia Keys
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:08, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:17, archived)

then it it as number 2
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:17, archived)

I'm guessing that doesn't count in the charts then?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:11, archived)

Posted on 14 Dec 2009 16:07 GMT
Last edited by the author 4 hours ago
Amazon.co.uk Music Team says:
We can confirm that sales of MP3s from Amazon.co.uk, including "The Climb" by Joe McElderry and "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against The Machine, count towards the Official UK Charts.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:16, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:22, archived)

seeing as how the charts are compiled on a weekly basis,
i'm going to have to go with, "I FUCKING DOUBT IT"
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:23, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:30, archived)

why rage against the machine?
edit: he never told me to but anything and if he did nothing will compell me to obey simply for the success of a tv talent contest winner
or maybe it's the line in the thread starter : "come on guys, we need to...."
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:26, archived)

( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:29, archived)

as in fuck you simon cowell, i won't do what you tell me i.e. go and buy the single released by the winner of x factor.
the irony that a group of people are telling each other to buy another song is indeed lost somwhere
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:28, archived)

what's that? a gramophone record with swearing on it?
*goes back to sleep*
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:31, archived)

Does it matter, really, at all?
I mean, the profits going to Shelter is a good thing, but is it really a great travesty that the popular music charts is topped by music which is popular?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:42, archived)

and another 1,000,000 people buy the RATM song, even then counting up every other single song sale, mp3 download in that week,
I'll wager that there are still tens of millions of people who don't buy any of them.
This then proves that apathy and disinterest is more popular than either of the main contenders, doesn't it?
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:47, archived)

is to point out that there are hundreds of bands doing better music who aren't plastered on prime time TV to purely make money, and because of this never have a chance to be popular and give us all the pleasure of hearing their music. The whole program is designed to make money, it's not about music although it's billed as such.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 20:49, archived)

Even the people who enjoy X Factor-type music either know that there is music that is 'better' (somehow more culturally worthy), or they are dim enough not to be able to appreciate the better music. I can't imagine that there is anyone who doesn't recognise that the purpose of X Factor type music is to make money. I don't know why their realisation of that is a concern, either. Making money is a very good thing to do, even if it isn't culturally worthy.
( , Mon 14 Dec 2009, 21:07, archived)