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# I view it as a language
A really simple language that's more like lumping coloured bits of lego into different holes. Well, that's how I view algebra, anyway. Calculus is like adding a few tenses to the language, or perhaps those funny lego pieces that you've got to be careful with. Group theory is like that lego piece you always lost on the floor and then trod on with bare feet.
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 18:45, archived)
# Group theory is like snowflakes!
I think it's badly taught. Not wanting to be overly critical of maths teachers because they've got a tough job. All of the concepts are really fairly simple, but there's this weird sense of prejudice that makes everyone convinced that they're not, and it's quite difficult to force your way through that.
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 18:54, archived)
# I wish I had been taught group theory at school, it's quite nice really.
Took until this year for me to learn about it.

Then again, I saw a book in foyles the other day about representation theory, which looks like madness.
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 19:03, archived)
# hmm
i was taught group theory at:

* a level (advanced maths, the gcse cut out as much maths from the maths a level as possible) -- understood it, no problems

* 1st year uni -- understood it, no problems

* 2nd year uni -- understood it, no problems

* didn't do it in 3rd year uni though it edges into other subjects, all of which i understood, no problems

* 4th year uni -- fucking rubbish lecturer who i hated and who disliked me, taught me the theory of lie groups and applications to particle physics and he can FUCK OFF AND DIE GRAAAARGHGODIFUCKINGHATEDTHATFUCKINGCUNT HEFUCKEDUPGROUPTHEORYFORME

i think you may have a point :D

edit: that was actually to mgt but it almost makes sense here :)
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 20:14, archived)