A future fair for all?
After what they've been up to, and now Chaytor, Morley and Devine fighting their expenses case with the help of Legalaid.....No, I don't find it hopeful and heartwarming.
Fucking cunts.
Chumps 👀,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 8:18,
"We're spending taxpayers' money to defend ourselves against the charge of spending taxpayers' money - but this time it's LEGAL"
I'm fed up of this election bollocks. It just means more twats than usual.
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 8:22,
South Park got it right.
It's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Nearly every election since the beginning of time has been between some douche and some turd.
They're the only people who suck up enough to make it that far in politics.
Catfish Ma, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear",
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 8:39,