Because the maiden is the last person mentioned,
it sounds like she spent all night poking her own minge.
Or was that deliberate?
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Thu 2 Sep 2010, 12:21,
it sounds like she spent all night poking her own minge.
Or was that deliberate?
Nah, read the last three lines together and it works
He met a young maiden - who gave him a hard-on - and spent all night poking her minge
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Thu 2 Sep 2010, 12:23,
Firstly I never met this William of Orange
and secondly I take issue with people implying I poke anything let alone my minge!
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Thu 2 Sep 2010, 12:30,
Sorry, but I disagree.
Notwithstanding the 'He met..' line,
after the young maiden is introduced there folows what appears to be an account of what she did:
who gave him a hard-on and spent all night poking her minge
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Thu 2 Sep 2010, 12:43,
after the young maiden is introduced there folows what appears to be an account of what she did:
who gave him a hard-on and spent all night poking her minge