Fucking were at football matches in the early 1980s.
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Sat 23 Oct 2010, 17:29,
Fucking cunts.
You should have got totally all anarchy on their asses.
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Sat 23 Oct 2010, 17:29,
If this had happened to me..
I'd have done a big poo in the middle of the foyer.
(Whato_JeevesDid your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch?,
Sat 23 Oct 2010, 17:35,
One of my mates, former colleague, got caught taking a piss against Scotland Yard.
He'd been out on the lash from the train Oop North for about nine hours and was completely shitfaced. On the way down to digs (near Gt. Smith Street) he decided he couldn't take it any more, and took a piss against this concrete abortion.
All of a sudden, he's got armed plod asking him wtf he was doing. Guy was lucky not to get arrested.