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# Morning you sexy fuckers

It's only fucking sunday

And to balance it out

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 8:48, archived)
# Very nice, I loce the second one...
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:00, archived)
# Ty WB
Only 200 posts until the naked pic goes up
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:02, archived)
# nice pics!
i should really get myself a nice camera. such great photo opportunities here
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:12, archived)
# Ning Real
You should, it's really theraputic to be just sat in a field for an hour just doing nothing
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:13, archived)
# sounds similar to what i do now
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:17, archived)
# you can pic up a decent camera for about £300
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:19, archived)
# yeah, but where can i pick up £300?
*stares absently at public toilets*
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:32, archived)
# fuck a footballer and sell your story to the tabloid gutter press
or send out random invoices for services to large comapanys
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:39, archived)
# i'm liking the second one, a lot!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:50, archived)
# I've tried it in the past
didn't get any cash though but I don't think frog wrangling is a valid job description
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:51, archived)
# it might be in australia
cane toads are a pest in northern states
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:09, archived)
# The stars one is something I've wanted to do for a long time, but haven't got around to

very nice
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:17, archived)
# Bulb ftw
it was my first try with a really long exposure
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:20, archived)
# How long did you expose this one?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:33, archived)
# it's 3 exposures
the first was 5 min, the second was 10 and the final one was half an hour
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:35, archived)
# Mmm that's far less than I expected

A half hour in the dark I can manage ;)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:39, archived)
# I'm not used to taking pictures above ground
I was worried it would over expose, next time I'll just do the full hour
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:43, archived)
# Nice pics
Bottom one reminds me of the first guitar I painted. Both remind me of druggie student days.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:35, archived)
# I miss the student druggie days
well what I remember of them
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 10:45, archived)
# ^ exactly
I forget those days wakening on a doorstep, or under a car?? Unable to move my dead legs! Or walking for miles not know where/who I was or where I was going? Ahh, the memories :)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 11:06, archived)
# How long was the exposure on the top one looks to be quite a long time.
Both are excellent - I have a Nikon D90 and bought an intervalometer to take timeplapse which I;ve done some nice rolling cloud sequences would love to do a lovely nightscape like your first image.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 11:14, archived)
# the first was 5 min, the second was 10 and the final one was half an hour
I then merged the exposures

Looking at the pic if the moon hadn't been in the shot I could just run it for an hour

the nightscape is easy, turn the camera to manual then the exposure to bulb and my remote has a lock on it to keep the shutter open
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 11:20, archived)