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# Obviously no disrespect meant to all the genuine psychics out there
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 11:40, archived)
# Well she could claim it was a cricket loving ghostie
would have been a tad more surreal if she'd picked up the shipping forcast :D
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 11:46, archived)
I'm hearing a strange detached voice, it's saying something, something like, 'unexpected item in bagging area'.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 11:51, archived)
# This needs to be made into a series.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 11:55, archived)
# Is there a "Mary" here? or a "Jack"?
Jack, the voices from the hoary netherworld would like to know if you want fries with that.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 12:51, archived)
# "Landing level approaching. Please take care"
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 12:28, archived)
# Is this a sportball thing?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 11:55, archived)
# I think so
it's the sort of thing I've heard them say about sportball matches
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 11:58, archived)
# Hahahaha Filename LOL
My wife is of psychic ability, so I am unsure if the picture title is internet sarcasm or genuine sincerity...... :os LOL
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 12:54, archived)
# I'm not sure if your reply is internet sarcasm or genuine sincerity
but if it's true, you could be sitting on a motherfucking goldmine:

(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# Fuck it, if she's a genuine psychic I want 10% of the million dollars she gets from the Randi Foundation as a finder's fee
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 14:15, archived)
# Pffft.
Surely just as likely that the guy in the back room was a different psychic accurately predicting what she was going to say?
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 13:21, archived)