Did you actually key that afterwards?
all that motion blur would have made it a nightmare, shirley?
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:38,
yes it was for a canadian tv show called Kenny Vs Spenny
It was for an intro where a fake cock came throught a glory hole and jizzed on a mexican wrestlers face. The powers that be made me cut the beginning of the clip but you can still see the jizz in his mouth here
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:41,
wow.... awesome stuff....... ndb3dgj........... I subscribed to this channel a while back
and now with Mondo......turns out you're behind them both...:D
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:54,
that programme especially video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3716136866005139041
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 21:32,
I shot it at 60fps with a panasonic HPX 170. key worked out decent
I didn't think it would key so nice either
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:44,
I like your green screen. I have a greenscreen back drop but I have had very poor results
It needs a good iron to smooth out the creases but do you have any good tips out of getting a perfect key. I have some Portrait Photography Flash head and I use the modelling light on them to light the backdrop as well as a couple of halogen lamps. But no matter how much light I get on the cloth it's always a pain to key.
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:49,
it's all about the lights
I've done lots of different things / lighting set ups and really found that knowing how to use keylight in after effects is huge. I have salvaged a lot of shitily lit footage with tricks in keylight & saturating the footage first, then keying the subject & using the alpha channel to re key the unsaturated footage. But really just get powerful lights and you can't go wrong. I recommend these collapsible screens to avoid wrinkles ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31BJBfpbUWL.jpg
otherwise paint the wall. I found on DVX forum some guy figured out the ultimate green shade to buy at local paint store that absourbs the most red light. then I built the mega screen. genericversatility.com/joggingpantsboner/GARAGEsm.jpg
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 18:04,
otherwise paint the wall. I found on DVX forum some guy figured out the ultimate green shade to buy at local paint store that absourbs the most red light. then I built the mega screen. genericversatility.com/joggingpantsboner/GARAGEsm.jpg
You have Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall locked in your gararge...
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Mon 30 Jan 2012, 18:22,