It's not really a disorder, since it's generally benevolent or at least relatively harmless
The only exception for me is certain words that make me feel a bit nauseous because of the sense impressions they conjure up, but that's not very serious. Most of my synaesthia is temporal-spatial, for example every decade of the twentieth century has a specific colour.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 21:45,
I couldn't think of a better word for it.
But I've always liked the idea of composers who could see music in colour, and the maths wizards who see numbers as shapes and do terribly complicated maths in their heads just by fitting "shapes" together.
and yes there is often a very loose logic to the synaesthetic links. For example when I was learning the piano as a child I had coloured stickers on the keys, and these colours have stuck with me as the colours of the musical keys.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 21:59,
Yes - I guess it's the decades that we think of as having a particular cultural character
The 90s are gold, the 80s silver, the 70s chocolate brown, the 60s magenta, the 50s dark green, the 40s a shiney dark grey, like graphite, the 30s are dark blue, the 20s light grey, the 1910s dark brown and the 1900s a nice creamy yellow.
(Photoshop Bitch2014 edition,
Sun 22 Apr 2012, 21:54,
Hmmm, I can see why the 40's might be a gun metal colour.