Thanks to juniorsquire for the signature tune and also fuzzbucket for the woo yay houpla sound buttons (which only work before you press the menu buttons - sorry, but I've spent far too long trying to remedy that) Anyhoo, here it is: B3TV
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 19:42,
FB - you have excelled yourself.
Woo, Yay, Houpla and some lovely coconuts to you
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 19:52,
Woo, Yay, Houpla and some lovely coconuts to you
Great - I'm God
Can I start the world all over again then eh? First, I'll get rid of guinea pigs - those fuckers scare me.
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Sat 1 Jun 2002, 19:58,