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I think the subject itself wasn't the main problem
it's the fact it was unannounced - if you'd posted a link to chicken preparation, you would probably have said what was on the site you were linking to; would it have hurt to have forewarned those eating, of a nervous disposition, etc?
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:46,
archived )
You may be right....
... next time I'll have a fair warning....cause there's more from where that link came.
nordicapollo ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:48,
archived )
sometimes this board seems less interested in "funny"
and more in becoming a cheap mirror of somethingawful.com.
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:50,
archived )
Different people find different things funny.
I suppose.
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:52,
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did i miss a memo or something?
since when was this board meant to be funny?
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:52,
archived )
No, it's meant to be
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:54,
archived )
That would explain
all your post's then. ;)
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:54,
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come on you.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:55,
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bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:56,
archived )
*rolls up sleeves*
i don't want to have to fight you in front of the lovely ladies now, come on.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:59,
archived )
I don't want you to
fight me in front of the lovely ladies.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:00,
archived )
fight! fight!
my money's on Bovine
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:00,
archived )
mine too.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:03,
archived )
You give in?
Then I win!!! Hooray!
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:04,
archived )
one day.
one day i'll have you, give you the pounding of a lifetime I will. Possibly.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:06,
archived )
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