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# I am a twat
I am a twat
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:16, archived)
# oooh! l33t sp33k, l33t sp33k,
what does it say? Someone, anyone?
[edit]um... the lamer geels?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:17, archived)
# erm
"I am 12" I think.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:22, archived)
# It's supposed to be
lamer geek.
"I 4m nl33t h4XX0r ur l4m3rz"
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:23, archived)
# oh blimey... right, let's have a go.
"I am an elite hexer(good thing) and you are lamers(bad thing)"
...am I getting better at this?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:32, archived)
# Not bad for a beginner!
haxx0rs are what 5kr1pT K1dd1e5 (script kiddies) call themselves. For the rest you are spot on!
Have a marmot.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:44, archived)
# i don't know
all gr33k to me
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:26, archived)
# btw
that's not me
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:18, archived)
# now that has
to be somebody else impersonating jeff..
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:18, archived)
# poor jeff
if he ever comes back, no-one will believe it's him

(hee hee)
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:20, archived)
# Now
I am confused
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:20, archived)
# A dood.
Isnt that what the Arabs call camel shit ot Llama shit or something...or am I being needlessly offensive.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:24, archived)
# I thought
it was a camels dick, or is it a donkeys...?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:32, archived)
# Could be.
Maybe its both.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:34, archived)
# maybe it is
llama shit in the shape of a donkeys dick.

see ya all later
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 16:37, archived)