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# my cat likes curry
which is a bit weird. she insists on eating from my plate.

also, coming back from a club one morning, someone left the cake out and our dog ate it. it had about 1/4 in it. he couldn't walk for about 2 days. it was extremely amusing. his eyes were all crosseyed. we had to carry him home. luckily it was the middle of winter so we used him as a draft excluder.

(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:09, archived)
# Dr. Phil's mum's dog
once ate the family's Christmas cake, which was huge and saturated with brandy. It eventually threw it back up again, and staggered around pissed for the day.
It eats anything, that dog. I had to look after it for a bit once, and it sneakily ate a crisp packet, then ate an entire tin of dog food, and then brought the whole lot back up in a nice neat parcel. Urg.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:13, archived)
# my parents had a springer spaniel
which would eat anything. including a new 24pk of neurofen from my mum's handbag.

the vet said to give him loads of mustard-water to make him sick. he drank pints and coughed. no sick or anything.

dogs are stupid.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:15, archived)
# My g/f's cat once
ate a crisp packet. She only noticed when a she saw a bit of plastic sticking out of its bum.

They had to grab hold and pull to remove it.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:18, archived)

that's grim.

(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:23, archived)
# eeewwwww
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:24, archived)
# tee-hee
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:26, archived)
# our
dog has done that with string with the same effect
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:27, archived)
# ditto...
...for one of my Mum's cats. It was doing the "chasing the tail thing" in the garden but closer inspection revealed that it wasn't its tail but a length of protruding string.

After much discussion on the best thing to do, Mum was dispatched with the rubber gloves on, took the cat in one had and the string in the other and gently pulled. We knew that there couldn't be much string left inside (as it had been positively identified as the string formerly round the ham during cooking) but we had forgotten about the knot at the end of it...

The cat went sort of "Yipp!" and then spent the rest of the day sitting in an old bucket in the garden which had a bit of frozen water at the bottom of it (it was Christmas Day) cooling its arse off!
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:33, archived)
# every christmas
my dog would tear all the tinsel from the tree and eat it. most colourful shit you've ever seen
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 12:31, archived)
# Bloody brilliant
This is the funniest shit I've ever read.
Well done, and kudos to your dog
(, Tue 21 Oct 2003, 1:48, archived)
# my mate
had a similar experience with a slice of salami. The skin was still on when he ate it - which acted as a string between 2 bits of pooh.
Why he told us this, I don't know.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:37, archived)
# Great fun
My dad's cat once consumed a quantity of red wool. We noticed this when it popped off for a crap and became alarmed that something long and red was still attached to its arse. The poor, deranged thing then ran around the house frantically until my dad stepped on the end of the wool and out it popped.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:30, archived)
# Plink!
Whilst out walking his dog one day, my friend saw something shinny poking out its bottom. On closer inspection this turned out to be a length of audio cassette tape. This had to be dealt with so he took hold of the end and gave it a gentle tug, it came out quite easily so he pulled again, more & more tape appeared. Eventually when he had about 30ft of tape on the ground he finally came up against resistance, he pulled a bit harder and with a yelp from the dog was hit by the cassette spool which had obviously become lodged in the dogs schpincter.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 23:47, archived)
# You should have washed it off
and put it into a new cassette case to see what was on it. ;)
(, Mon 20 Oct 2003, 14:26, archived)
# also reminds me of the sight
of our dog sprinting around the garden with a shit coated shred of towel(which it had previously eaten) halfway out its' arse.

some kind person had to chase after it and try and step on the end of the towel in order to end the commotion.

(the stupid dog probably ran off with the dirty towel again)
(, Thu 16 Oct 2003, 18:04, archived)
# Yeah my sisters dog did this..
The stupid bugger ate my niece's bra. No one knew about it until a poo-and-lace amalgamate arrived on the lawn.

one month later my sister catches him in the act of eating yet *another* bra. This time it got stuck in his gut and he had to go to the vets to get it removed :D

Now *my* dog is obviously more intelligent because he just loves to steal sweaty socks out of the washbasket and suck them.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2003, 22:20, archived)
# My cat .. Timmy
Seems to have a strange affection for broccoli and cauliflower
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:48, archived)