So called because he stole my girlfriend's pants, not to mention my 'art' magazines.
He had obsessive compulsive Disorder, which did mean that our bathroom and toilet were always clean and tidy. Oddly his obsession with hygene did not extent to his teeth and every time we bumped into him since he had fewer of them.
But his OCD/going Schizo medication was definitely not compatible with alchohol and unfortunately Pantony liked a drink. A lot. He would come home late at night completely arseholed on pills and booze we would not be able to sleep because in his stupor he was lying in bed, perhaps asleep, perhaps awake(who knows?), bashing the radiator with his foot and singing 'Don't You Want Me Baby' at top volume.
In the mornings we would go downstairs and find a plate of food he had got out of the freezer ready to microwave but then forgot about, including one time fish finger and mushy pea sandwiches.
but the killer was one time at about 2 in the morning my girlfriend woke me terrified as there was someone moving about on the top floor and saying something. I crept upstairs and it was Pantony. He was having a bath. At 2 in the morning. And shouting 'watermelon off nigger die die die!' over and over again.
Other than that he was a very nice chap. a bit sad and desparate, but ok. His mate once gave me his watch in exchange for a spliff so he could get off with a girl.
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 16:44,
He had obsessive compulsive Disorder, which did mean that our bathroom and toilet were always clean and tidy. Oddly his obsession with hygene did not extent to his teeth and every time we bumped into him since he had fewer of them.
But his OCD/going Schizo medication was definitely not compatible with alchohol and unfortunately Pantony liked a drink. A lot. He would come home late at night completely arseholed on pills and booze we would not be able to sleep because in his stupor he was lying in bed, perhaps asleep, perhaps awake(who knows?), bashing the radiator with his foot and singing 'Don't You Want Me Baby' at top volume.
In the mornings we would go downstairs and find a plate of food he had got out of the freezer ready to microwave but then forgot about, including one time fish finger and mushy pea sandwiches.
but the killer was one time at about 2 in the morning my girlfriend woke me terrified as there was someone moving about on the top floor and saying something. I crept upstairs and it was Pantony. He was having a bath. At 2 in the morning. And shouting 'watermelon off nigger die die die!' over and over again.
Other than that he was a very nice chap. a bit sad and desparate, but ok. His mate once gave me his watch in exchange for a spliff so he could get off with a girl.

how odd. swearing has been censored. b3ta has been taken over by the daily mail.
He didn't used to shout "watermelon off", but "f.u.c.k. off"
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 17:11,
He didn't used to shout "watermelon off", but "f.u.c.k. off"

I like mushy pea and fish finger sandwiches. And I don't think I'm alone in this...
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 21:49,

edit:OMG you're right!
but what if I wanted to talk about a flatmate who was caught fucking a watermelon?
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 22:48,
edit:OMG you're right!
but what if I wanted to talk about a flatmate who was caught fucking a watermelon?

Oh watermelon, I nearly believed you there ...
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 11:27,
Oh watermelon, I nearly believed you there ...

watermelon - F.U.C.K.
shit - S.H.I.T.
arse - A.R.S.E
dave - D.A.V.E
cranberry - C.U.N.T
bollocks - B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S
nipples - N.I.P.P.L.E.S
wank - W.A.N.K
vagina - V.A.G.I.N.A
pussy - P.U.S.S.Y
zeppelin - T.W.A.T
penis - P.E.N.I.S
crap - C.R.A.P
faggot - F.A.G.G.O.T
bastard - B.A.S.T.A.R.D
anything i've missed please add
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 15:53,
shit - S.H.I.T.
arse - A.R.S.E
dave - D.A.V.E
cranberry - C.U.N.T
bollocks - B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S
nipples - N.I.P.P.L.E.S
wank - W.A.N.K
vagina - V.A.G.I.N.A
pussy - P.U.S.S.Y
zeppelin - T.W.A.T
penis - P.E.N.I.S
crap - C.R.A.P
faggot - F.A.G.G.O.T
bastard - B.A.S.T.A.R.D
anything i've missed please add

what about
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 10:53,