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sad eyes
maybe she's thinking of John Lesie
rob ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:46,
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what's he done now?
i've missed this completely
lemony ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:47,
archived )
Try www.thesun.co.uk for this story, and rants about immigrants.
WouldSwapABearForATiger ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:48,
archived )
whenever i go to that site it makes me want to hurt things
lemony ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:49,
archived )
it's the noisy ads I can't stand
"first he brought your face off." oh fuck off. If I wanted to see a trailer I'd google it.
rob ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:50,
archived )
Try it now.
Fluffyness increased
WouldSwapABearForATiger ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:50,
archived )
not a lot about john leslie though
lemony ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:53,
archived )
I love the sun
and all the national newspapers. Especially their art editors. They are all great. /returns to smashing penguin with yeti
dotmund .co.uk ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:53,
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nice linkage :)
dotmund .co.uk ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:59,
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not a lot
I was suggesting she was craving the younger cock of her youth
rob ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:48,
archived )
she's shagged john leslie?
damn he told me i was his first...
lemony ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:52,
archived )
that day...
dotmund .co.uk ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:57,
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He's played
us all for fools.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:57,
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I know
a couple of anecdotes about mr leslie but in the interests of staying out of court I can only tell them in the pub so let's just say "he's a filthy cunt"
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 16:05,
archived )
nearly everyone has one or two
except me... my dream is that one day I will know sordid secrets about C-list celebrities
dotmund .co.uk ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 16:07,
archived )
this is for you then.
cupboardy ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 16:14,
archived )
John's a Lesie?
Fat Boab of dailyreckless.com fame ,
Tue 20 Jan 2004, 15:53,
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