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# ?
How can that be. I'm at work already?! If everyone else is asleep I should go back home
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 7:57, archived)
# 'tis still stupid o'clock
i've just woken up
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 7:59, archived)
# If theres no-one around
then it's always silly o'clock. Damn these early starts at work

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:01, archived)
# time for coffee methinks
fancy a cup?
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:03, archived)
# would happily
commit murder for some but it'll be 10 before I can get any.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:04, archived)
# you are not alone,
I've been lurking about for threequarters of an hour now, and I'm on 2nd cuppa.
trying to get lots done before the rest of the office arrives.....
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:07, archived)
# I know
There is no one else here yet either but once I'm in the lab where I work, I can't come out again so easily. Takes about 10 minutes to leave.

Its a right pain if you need a slash
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:08, archived)
# look over there ---> *points*
see that bucket.......
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:11, archived)
# Don't joke
it's been known to happen.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:12, archived)
# and then spend the rest of the day on here
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:08, archived)
# If only
the civil service saw it that way
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:10, archived)
# at least you get interweb access at work
ihave only the comany intranet, on a computer with a slower processor than my phone :(
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:15, archived)
# Sounds
like you work within the government somewhere as well. We just got upgraded to nice P3 550mhz jobbies.

Someday DEFRA will catch up with reality and we might get some decent equipment
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:17, archived)
# unfortunately, its worse than that,
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:19, archived)
# a mcdonalds
intranet? whats on it? you'd never think they had the need for it.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:20, archived)
# there's more fat on it
but the chips are always fresh....

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:21, archived)
# company propaganda
and passing on new training gubbins etc
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:34, archived)
good luck with that...

*hides swanky 3.3ghz optiplex ram-enhanced rocketship PC out of sight*
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:19, archived)
# showoff
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:20, archived)
# but no tattyshop
opressive proxy server, IT nazis amd so on.
Other than b3ta and 4thur, all I use it for is processing data.

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:23, archived)
# our proxy and firewall
are so difficult to get through.

It's part of the x government secure intranet which is encrypted which means although we should have really REALLY fast internet it feels like its on a 56k modem
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:26, archived)
# me off
got to work now before uncle tony gets upset.

bye b3ta
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:30, archived)
# we have a 12GBbps leasline
faster than a speeding lightening bolt.

but the proxy slows everything down as it filters it through the 286 processor and up the crappy ethernet.....
and the security on the system still sucks.....(ask Evil Lu!)
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:33, archived)
# my daddy has a 486 at work

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:21, archived)
# hooray
someone in the UK government with worse IT facilities than here!!
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:22, archived)
# Got milk?
I'm out of it here and can't be bothered to go out for more.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:04, archived)
Thats just lazy

anyway have it black
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:06, archived)
# Black? Black?!!!11!

Besides it's not laziness it's just pissing down out there.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:11, archived)
# buy a brolly
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:12, archived)
# OK
So it is laziness. It's a fair cop but society's to blame.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:15, archived)
# Don't blame society
blame the chavs
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:17, archived)
# I looked out of the window
and I saw burberry between me and the shop. Think I might have to have 5 sugars in my tea instead of milk.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:19, archived)
# good plan
otherwise they will attack you with there poor grammer and bad pronunciation and with phrases like

'ere mate ave you got a fag i gonna nick?
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:22, archived)
# aaaag
the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!
the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!
the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!the chavs!!!!

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:19, archived)