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# 'Ughhh Grunt.....Fuck this is hard work'.....
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:39, archived)
# fuck that's great!
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:40, archived)
# aaah shiiiit
just got the pun...dung 'beetle'....its a beetle... OH SHIT IM STUPID.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:43, archived)
# dont ask me why

click the link to go to my website. that has image hosting too. coz i spent hours making it and no bugger is using it. poos.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:50, archived)
# maybe
if it worked, someone would.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:56, archived)
# meh. it no worky?
mail / msn me - [email protected] tell me whats wrong.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:07, archived)
# I dunno
all pics look the same (all 3 cute kittens) and the upload button just refreshes the screen.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:23, archived)
# theres a link at the top...
that says make the kittens go away and show the thumbnails - so people with slow modems dont get bogged down...

and the upload SHOULD work...(just make sure u dont use apostrophes/speech marks in the text box) - it does just refresh the page, but it uploads too (theres been at least one upload there of a snagglepuss or summat being dragged across the ice by some men- i see that picture on here too)
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:30, archived)
# I love it
when people post their emails on the board...
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:33, archived)
# really?
stoned dot steve at lycos dot co dot uk

I just want to make you all happy
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:37, archived)
# does that mean
im gonna get EVEN more porn emails? three today offering to enlarge my breasts. i know my nips are small, but im not sure if i care.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:40, archived)
# oooh
dunno if its worth anything, but u get a w00 y4y from me. right giggle. i hope your frontpaged.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:42, archived)
# see
told ya - frontpaged. deservedly too.
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 9:17, archived)
# thx mate that cheered me up
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:52, archived)
# woo yay
to your woo yay old chap
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:01, archived)
# and
vw beetles do tend to gather shit.

woo & yay!
(, Thu 3 Oct 2002, 9:16, archived)