just got the pun...dung 'beetle'....its a beetle... OH SHIT IM STUPID.
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Thu 3 Oct 2002, 7:43,

mail / msn me - [email protected] tell me whats wrong.
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Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:07,

all pics look the same (all 3 cute kittens) and the upload button just refreshes the screen.
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Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:23,

that says make the kittens go away and show the thumbnails - so people with slow modems dont get bogged down...
and the upload SHOULD work...(just make sure u dont use apostrophes/speech marks in the text box) - it does just refresh the page, but it uploads too (theres been at least one upload there of a snagglepuss or summat being dragged across the ice by some men- i see that picture on here too)
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Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:30,
and the upload SHOULD work...(just make sure u dont use apostrophes/speech marks in the text box) - it does just refresh the page, but it uploads too (theres been at least one upload there of a snagglepuss or summat being dragged across the ice by some men- i see that picture on here too)

stoned dot steve at lycos dot co dot uk
I just want to make you all happy
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Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:37,
I just want to make you all happy

im gonna get EVEN more porn emails? three today offering to enlarge my breasts. i know my nips are small, but im not sure if i care.
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Thu 3 Oct 2002, 8:40,