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# Raaaarrrgggghhhh! Me cross!
<ANGRY RANT>Death to my local!
I went out for a nice quiet pint last night, and as I didn't have any cash on me I put my switch card behind the bar and started a tab. At the end of the night, I walked up to settle the bill, only to discover that they'd given my card to some random stranger!
So now I'm going away tonight for Easter, and I have no way to pay for things without cashing a cheque! Useless bastards!</ANGRY RANT>
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 3:55, archived)
i understand your anger.

bloody pubs, my advise, find a new local.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 4:05, archived)
# I am doing.
That's the second time they've arsed my night up too. The first time I found some shards of broken plate in my bangers'n'mash, and nearly cut me mouth on 'em. God knows why I ever went back.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 4:08, archived)
# 'kin 'ell
I woulda claimed!
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 4:17, archived)
# All they offered me was a free drink
and I was so pissed off I just stomped out without even taking them up on that.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 4:29, archived)
# I think they just don't like you,
a few weeks ago the nice over-enthusiastic american man gave me money off my drink because I didn't have enough.

Maybe they pick on you cos you're a boy.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 4:40, archived)
# Possibly.
But then I spend longer in the pub than you, so there's more chance of them bollocksing something up for me.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:02, archived)
# didn't you get all your drinks free, though?
on the grounds that they couldn't process the transaction without a card?
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:04, archived)
# Well, I blocked the card and all transactions
since monday evening, and I'm certainly not gonna pay if they ask me to. but I'd rather have me card and no hassle, and pay for the drinks...
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:08, archived)
# guess so,
just trying to look for the silver lining =)
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:10, archived)
# Cheers for trying mate...
Not really a silver lining type meself. More given to moaning incessantly about anything and everything...
It's the Yorkshire genes I think.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:14, archived)
# ava cuppa tea, then.
ye'll feel right rosy after a cuppa.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:23, archived)
# Aye, lad.
Appen tha's reet there.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:28, archived)
[challenge entry] ooo, that's a good point. Free beer all round!

Anyway, I'm sure I'd spend more time there if you ever asked us to go with you Tomsk *sob*
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:08, archived)
# We normally do.
Sorry. Only went for a swift one after eating out.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:16, archived)
# Aw, I'll let you off then.

Wol started work as personal sec. to the big boss of London this week so he's been getting home at about half seven anyway, he's not the perkiest after that!
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:20, archived)
# Woo!
The big boss of all London, eh? Blimey!
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 5:35, archived)
# Yup
Chris' boss runs london. Chris' boss is a mouse. Or works in a secret underground office, depending on what sort of books you read.
(, Wed 27 Mar 2002, 6:02, archived)