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# who this?
Yes, a b3ta boarder
No, not my younger brother

(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:29, archived)
looks like Rik though
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:30, archived)
# woah, trippy shoutypiss.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:30, archived)
# Collaboranger!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:31, archived)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:30, archived)
# have reckless rik and kamikaze stoat had a kid?!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:31, archived)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:32, archived)
# bagsy not the mother
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:34, archived)
# nope,
this is
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:38, archived)
# hurrah!
apparently, I Have.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:41, archived)
# well it ain't Brown Cow
who is conspicuous by his absence

probably out punching anyone who has chatted up abandonship
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:31, archived)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:32, archived)
# woah, thats twice now.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:32, archived)
# we should make a hardcore shouting band
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:33, archived)
# oo, can I write poetry and cry?
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:34, archived)
# as long as i can tattoo and pierce every single part of my body available
but have no personality

(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:35, archived)
i look like a self harmer at the moment if that helps
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:36, archived)
# works with me
Right so now we have two guitarists and a bassist

who plays drums and looks bored all the time
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:37, archived)
# we need a three word pretentious name.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:39, archived)
# The unfulfilled artisans
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:39, archived)
# it can't have "the" in it.
it has to be something like:

Thursday Seems Forever


Scared Of Girls


She Never Sleeps


Ten Minute Relapse


Hiding With Girls

(are you seeing a pattern?)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:42, archived)
# tears with cherubs?
calligraphy featuring girls
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:43, archived)
# yes!
Calligraphy Featuring Girls it is.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:45, archived)
# hahaha
we definitely should make this band!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:46, archived)
# yes.
Lets write some emo lyrics.

I'll start.

"My girlfriend dumped me"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:47, archived)
# "then later i dropped my ice cream"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:49, archived)
# "my broken spine can only hold so many ocelots"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:49, archived)
# "Now my poetry book is full to the back pages"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:51, archived)
# I'm thinking we should do this!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:51, archived)
# "i drew a picture of my heart but the black felt tip ran out"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:52, archived)
# and now my legs are broken with the weight of so many empty marker pens,
chaiiiiiiined to my heeeeeeart.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:53, archived)
# "when i went back to my foundation art course, everyone else had drawn sad clowns too"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:53, archived)
# ha ha!
now I'm covered in jam, its ironic, so so ironic.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:55, archived)
# "tears of custard drip down my cheeks like the lemon sponge of our love"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:56, archived)
# "but no respite, no recall, you've fucked off with your mates to the shopping mall"
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:58, archived)
# talking to forgeries
fragmented morning dreams
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:45, archived)
# that picture now officially makes you the greatest person who ever lived.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:38, archived)
# hurray!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:40, archived)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:32, archived)
# ooh gossip
no, it's Rik's oirish love-child, dárkskiez
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:33, archived)
# who?!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:35, archived)
# Sekonda'd
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:36, archived)
# dárkskiez
He managed to make maiden want to kill him on his second post ever.

(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:42, archived)
# looks like my ex
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:32, archived)
# you're not called
are you?

she was crazy, I hear. Oh, and look for your chocolate coin.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:33, archived)
# nope
and at a second look he doesn't have the single white eyelash

*looks for chocolate coin*
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:36, archived)
# sorry
*throws chocolate coin*

(it's one of those foriegn ones)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 22:43, archived)