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they were never as good once they lost the blunkage

(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:19, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
That's lully - and sooo true*

Hey BBB - you still logoing for cash - if you pardon the euphemism!

*WAS sort of my boss in a not really my boss sort of way - explanations available to the very bored
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:23, archived)
# Huh?
Sorry, thought you were talking to me

I'll go back to sleep now
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:28, archived)
mmmm..might be - I had a huge back log last time and never had time to meet all the requests , so I've bumped the price up to lower the demand and spend more time on them..

(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:28, archived)
# A vectory one - company logo
all very conservative (with a small c) I'm afraid - and I'm shit at them. Don't think the clients would enjoy a logo designed by me somehow! ;)

How much? And the logo?? ;)
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:30, archived)
# no probs
25 smackers

u still interested?
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:32, archived)
# Yup!
Drop me a mail - addy in profile - and I'll reply with details etc.
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:38, archived)
ok I also just updated my profile with my e-mail
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:43, archived)
# So you have
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:51, archived)
# Oi!
Retract that immediately. He left government with his integrity intact!
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:27, archived)
yep for any right wing dictatorship i'm sure he would have left with a great reputation for services to pissing on civil liberties
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:30, archived)
# Very true.
I'm sure he can get a nice job in any of the countries we've been selling arms to.
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 14:39, archived)