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# A braw lunch!
I've never had cassava chips before, what are they like?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 12:38, archived)
# Vere vere nice.
Much more crunchy than potato chips, with a slightly cocoanutty flavour, is the best way to describe them. Lots of iron and vitamin A in them too. I prefer them to potato crisps now...
(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 12:46, archived)
# No, they can't be as good as crisps made from potatoes,
that's impossible.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 13:07, archived)
# Obviously much more limited in varieties
due to their relative rarity (my supermarket has a choice of salted, unsalted, or chilli and lemon), but for pure wonderful crunchy texture, the only thing which even comes close are high-quality kettle chips.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 13:12, archived)
# Cor!
they do sounds good, I'll keep my eyes peeled for these.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 13:14, archived)