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# hahaha
i wee'd meself!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:18, archived)
# yikes

can anyone think of a suitable message board that we can all invade for one day? Something naff would be good like a pigeon fanciers forum, or a spoon collectors or something like that - could even be an ingrowing toenail sufferers forum!

we could all sign up in advance - completely use/abuse their forum for a day (without any reference at all to B3ta or the fact that we were invading) and then completely dissapear leaving its regulars bemused and confused
anyone? anyone?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:21, archived)
# but they do it to us, especially on tuesdays
and we would only be as bad as them if we did it.
Sign me up.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:22, archived)
# that's the spirit
consider yourself promoted to field Captain red eyed green tree frog
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:24, archived)
# captain?
get to fuck, I work for a living.
when? I working all weekend, oh balls, got to go soon, damn!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:25, archived)
# good argument
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:28, archived)
# right,
i reckon we should book mark this thread, and discuss at length
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:30, archived)
Lieutenant sir spam - you're showing the kind of grit this army needs!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:32, archived)
# this is my rifle, this is my gun
this is for fightin' this is for fiddlin' with an' stuffs

edit: i do believe you should be commander/edit something army like griffin saver sir!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:36, archived)
# what's he doing in the fucking navy?
edit: there is no board at www.womenanddogsuk.co.uk/
which is a shame
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:38, archived)
# a Gorman fan eh!
jolly good

pip pip
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:46, archived)
# fuck that
Emperor Griffin Saver!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:41, archived)
# haha
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:42, archived)
# Ha ha, that's better
I can lurk in the back ground, drink port, tell everyone what to do, and fuck off for a spot of tiffin whenever I like!! great!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:31, archived)
# you do that now!
an excellent role for you!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:44, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:45, archived)
# the 11th one on here looks a likely candidate
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:47, archived)
# nah -
those pussies will fold faster than a 3 dollar whore that's been punched in the stomach
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:50, archived)
# hahaha
fuck knows if thers a board here but check out the name anyway

im at work so im reluctant to visit it
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:51, archived)
# it's got a ps2 on the front page
not my kind of porn
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:54, archived)
# I've picked a good team here
very resourceful!

however it's time for the Emperor to go home now and battle the might M's 3 and 4, so I will leave it to my fine fighting machine to carry on the good work until I return to these shores

Emperor GS

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:49, archived)
# ok lads, he's gone.
who's round is it?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:57, archived)
# HA!
Ms3 and 4 sucessfully navigated, not to mention an A road or 2 too

shirking off on watch eh?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 18:26, archived)
# haha
that sounds like a hearty idea!

we must do this
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:24, archived)
# Lieutenant Sir Spam!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:25, archived)
# oooh
fuckin' sweet!!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:28, archived)
# sounds like a plan stan
how about something like brass rubbing?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:24, archived)
# good choice
take your stripes Sgt Dr Strange
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:26, archived)
# well
make it a b3ta event :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:29, archived)
# I plan to
just looking for some feedback first and some forum suggestions
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:30, archived)
# Smashing idea.
let me know when your nappy needs changing.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:41, archived)
# that's the kind of thing we need
smart-alec abuse!

consider yourself press-ganged!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:45, archived)
# pah. I was most likely abusing idiots on messageboards
back in the days when you WERE in nappies ;)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:55, archived)
# messageboards were made of cork and drawing pins in those days
*fondly remembers
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 18:25, archived)
# Sign me up..
Invasion Ahoy!!!!

*waves b3ta flag*

*hides flag again as going incognito*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 16:54, archived)
# arise
Corporal Reaperboy!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 18:28, archived)
# A stoke of genius!
And one that has probably never been done in internet history.

I can only say that there are way too many message boards where people are like sandbags. You could flog them with dolphins and they'd remain unaware.

You'll have to pick one that's suitably serious, but lively enough to respond.

I would stay away from sleep apnea and bulimia forums. Steel forging and antique tractors also make bad candidates.

Oh, maybe something like The Daily Show forum. I think they have one.

Bla, bla, bla. Don't listen to me. I like cats.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 19:34, archived)
# i second this,
we've gotta raise an obvious reaction, but play it cool.

edit: /also licks likes cats
(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 0:21, archived)