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not as mad as
someone saying 'jesus fuck a horse' :o)
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:19,
archived )
ands certainly not as mad as...
... someone photoshopping jesus fucking a horse. Hmmm... I guess the race is on.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:22,
archived )
you first mate,
my business class ticket to hell has already been paid for.
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:27,
archived )
business class?
I'm right up front in First. (I actually just did shop it but it looks shit.)
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:35,
archived )
Business class has
better drinks though; they're not as hot :)
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:42,
archived )
OK... This should secure me seat 1A and a blow job off the stewardess.
(edit - what has b3ta done to me?)
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:45,
archived )
hobnobgoblin doesn't come here as often as he'd like to ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:47,
archived )
Spoon ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:53,
archived )
i was waiting for a second pic so I could say...
ooooh look, it's the second coming.
RayRayRay HooHooHoo ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:54,
archived )
You're in 1B mate.
I was going to do that, but thought I'd done enough... Here... help me with this champagne and have a beernut.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:54,
archived )
why thank you
ooh look we're passing over the fiery gates of hades now
Spoon ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:02,
archived )
not long to landing... make sure you stuff all the cutlery and slippers in your pockets.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:05,
archived )
Is the horse saying...
"I don't care what they say, you're not performing bloody miracles on me, mate"
RayRayRay HooHooHoo ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:53,
archived )
the horse looks
pretty nonplussed, given what's happening to him!
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:00,
archived )
he's not very demonstrative.
but he loves a holy thrusting.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:01,
archived )
who doesn't.
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:11,
archived )
i say "fuck a duck" a lot
by the by... i have video footage of my kitten doing exactly the above.. and stranger still - the tune on the platters was... what's new pussycat.. tom jones... i kid you not
popt_art ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:27,
archived )
I had to read that twice
before I realised you didn't mean you had footage of your kitten fucking a duck!
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:31,
archived )
there's people who'll pay good money for that.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:36,
archived )
i wish! that would be SO wrong...
popt_art ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:36,
archived )
but yet SO right
for the right fee, as Chaotic's said :)
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:43,
archived )
I'd laugh.
I think I would fall off furniture repeatedly watching that.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 22:50,
archived )
which in itself,
people would pay good money for!
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:01,
archived )
Hmmm... a money making opportunity.
That could easily be arranged. Must get hold of a DV camera, then I could fall off stuff for you.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:03,
archived )
Not for me, thanks.
I'll be watching me videos of religious figures fucking farmyard animals.
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Sun 15 Dec 2002, 23:22,
archived )
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